CorrectEasy one ,john wick starring the lush mr reevesxx

Tiger xx
CorrectEasy one ,john wick starring the lush mr reevesxx
Hope can drive a man insane“Hope is a dangerous thing!”
Steve Jobs - on IPhoneEasy, simply quote a line from a film and guess what it is
So easy one for you
"If you build it- They will come"
"Let me tell you something, Mark. You humans, most of you, subscribe to this policy of an eye for an eye, a life for a life, which is known throughout the universe for its... stupidity."
@The_Usual_Horny_Couple you will get this!
K-PaxChristmas brain errrrrrr Swimming with sharks?Xxxx
Jurassic Park"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."
Jurassic Park
Ooo...i think i knowCorrect.
This next one will be super hard so brace yourself everyone and get your Sherlock Holmes hat on -
"It's Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!"
"Gentlemen, the lunchbox has landed"
CorrectIs it the Full Monty? said about the guy who runs up the wall haha
Cool Hand Luke…“”What we've got here is failure to communicate””
Joe Pesci in Lethal Weapon - well, one of them, I can't remember which“They FUCK YOU at the drive-thru, ok, They FUCK YOU at the drive-thru! They know you're gonna be miles away before you find out you got fucked! They know you're not gonna turn around and go back”
Errrr....Joe Pesci in Lethal Weapon - well, one of them, I can't remember which
Easy one, but always worth mentioning;
Dear Mr. Vernon,
we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. And you see us as you want to see us... in the simplest terms in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain...
...and an athlete...
...and a basket case...
...a princess...
...and a criminal...
Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours........
The breakfast clubJoe Pesci in Lethal Weapon - well, one of them, I can't remember which
Easy one, but always worth mentioning;
Dear Mr. Vernon,
we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. And you see us as you want to see us... in the simplest terms in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain...
...and an athlete...
...and a basket case...
...a princess...
...and a criminal...
Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours........