I do my best to convince people I am human, so I avoid meeting anyone on the full moon as this will give away I am a big bad wolf. Also don't want to eat them, so if I make sure I am fed they might be safe
But back to the human bit, I share things with those I talk to, this will include what I do, what am up to, what I like to do, work stuff, study stuff, hobbies, and also being real about the hard times/bad days.
Some deeper stuff is saved for when there is more trust and understanding built, and that is something that doesn't need to be rushed.
Not everyone needs to know it all, the ins and outs of personal life, so I can see why people save it for those they are close to & comfortable with. Also, not everyone wants to know all these things, and some people don't want to share all this stuff for whatever reasons. But I respect honesty, kindness, and openness, over bigging oneself up. Material things/objects, Job titles, status, it doesn't really matter, they are only impressive for so long. Nothing wrong with a shelf stacker in a supermarket, who drives an old banger

, if you have a good heart & connection/chemistry that will be enough for the right people

However, sometimes people are swept off their feet by these material things, and it then means that people feel they need to impress folk in order for them to have a chance. Fair enough, as often this can work, but adapting oneself to suit others so much probably takes energy and if you're not being the real you then it must take its toll on the soul, & at some point there'll be consequences