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19 March 2015
Hi all,
Going on the back of this thread;
and specifically @Stew 's post;

It's about time we all started getting verifications again from having some actual fun...
Everybody here knows who they have eyes for, and who they'd like to spend some time with. You already know (mostly) who takes your eye....

So message someone now, who you'd like to meet :sneaky:
Balls to being nervous, just do it. Contact someone and just go for it. Don't be nervous or afraid of being told "Sorry you're not our type" - it's normal...

Enough of the funny 'tag someone you'd meet' threads, enough of the sheepish - 'oh should I PM them, shouldn't I'.. actually get out there and send a message to someone right now who you want to meet.

You get a knock back? Don't worry about it, remain friends and move on. ;)
Simple. :sneaky: :D

Get those messages out peeps ;)
You never know. :sneaky:
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Reactions: Therapon and MP386
5 July 2016
#bigboy why :(:( .... I got one reply :rofl: Gone a bit quite though :hmm: maybe second thoughts she has :( ....
Disappointed for you that no-one else replied.......... oh and my message must've got lost in the system somewhere :whistle: