Photo Verification For All Onsite?

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Shall the site consider enforcing PV (photo verification) to all members?

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VIP Member
6 October 2015
I'd say yes too. Give new people a few weeks, I've noticed a lot of people drop out in the early period, if your serious and real you shouldn't then object.
Our contribution reply:
Give them a week or 48 hours yes maybe but limited access and why should they have access to other Genuine PV that are out there with non disclosure of themselves? How many people would or do go on BLIND dates without even seeing a picture?
26 July 2016
My first encounter with swinging and adult related sites goes back to the hey day of Yahoo and MSN groups, back then photo verfication was not an issue, no one gave it a thought. Back then most people who joined the adult sites where genuinely looking for like minded couples/individuals, yes there was a few jokers, timewasters and trolls but they never lasted long. Becoming trusted amoung the community was more down to interacting with fellow site members via the forums and chatrooms (usually IRC) if you developed a rapport with someone you'd move to PM's and exchange pics and often thats as far as things went (well for me anyway). Then there was the socials once you'd established you where serious and you would then often get on the guest list if you asked to attend. Failure to turn up without prior warning was a big black mark against you, but attending and meeting others face to face in a social environment was a big boost to your credibility.

Okay I drifted a little off topic, I've never seen the need to photo verify myself, I was always happy to put the leg work in to prove I was genuine and until fairly recently thought who would want to pretend to be a single guy. But stories of lesbians pretending to be guys to lure young females has made me think a little differently. I am these days quite pro PV but as to making it compulsory I'm uncertain. Does it actually prove that sexy young female, hot couple or guy is what they claim to be? I'd say yes it does in as much as they appear to be what they claim to be regarding gender and status but being an arsehole doesn't show on a photo.

Fakes! how long before the photoshop brigade become proficiant enough to take a picture they've found elsewhere of someone holding a sheet of paper and superimpose thier own "hand written" user name etc? A few including Admin know I moderate on another swingers site and no it don't begin with an "F" where I do the photo verifications and some of the attempts are quite good others laughable but still they try.

When I read the thread the other day someone mentioned about restricting access of certain parts the site to PV members only. I think its a reasonable idea, more carrot than stick. I think if PV is that important to the site then members should be encouraged rather than forced ie. if you don't want to be PV'd you don't have to be but you've got to put up with the restrictions placed upon you, rather than if you don't PV by whatever time limit you're deleted.


VIP Member
6 October 2015
My first encounter with swinging and adult related sites goes back to the hey day of Yahoo and MSN groups, back then photo verfication was not an issue, no one gave it a thought. Back then most people who joined the adult sites where genuinely looking for like minded couples/individuals, yes there was a few jokers, timewasters and trolls but they never lasted long. Becoming trusted amoung the community was more down to interacting with fellow site members via the forums and chatrooms (usually IRC) if you developed a rapport with someone you'd move to PM's and exchange pics and often thats as far as things went (well for me anyway). Then there was the socials once you'd established you where serious and you would then often get on the guest list if you asked to attend. Failure to turn up without prior warning was a big black mark against you, but attending and meeting others face to face in a social environment was a big boost to your credibility.

Okay I drifted a little off topic, I've never seen the need to photo verify myself, I was always happy to put the leg work in to prove I was genuine and until fairly recently thought who would want to pretend to be a single guy. But stories of lesbians pretending to be guys to lure young females has made me think a little differently. I am these days quite pro PV but as to making it compulsory I'm uncertain. Does it actually prove that sexy young female, hot couple or guy is what they claim to be? I'd say yes it does in as much as they appear to be what they claim to be regarding gender and status but being an arsehole doesn't show on a photo.

Fakes! how long before the photoshop brigade become proficiant enough to take a picture they've found elsewhere of someone holding a sheet of paper and superimpose thier own "hand written" user name etc? A few including Admin know I moderate on another swingers site and no it don't begin with an "F" where I do the photo verifications and some of the attempts are quite good others laughable but still they try.

When I read the thread the other day someone mentioned about restricting access of certain parts the site to PV members only. I think its a reasonable idea, more carrot than stick. I think if PV is that important to the site then members should be encouraged rather than forced ie. if you don't want to be PV'd you don't have to be but you've got to put up with the restrictions placed upon you, rather than if you don't PV by whatever time limit you're deleted.

Afternoon Tricky
Nothing is ever fool proof and as in most things someone thing are always trying to gain get ahead or test to beat the system. Surely now days being and old git with experience (ME) it about being reasonable and a duty of care taken if something should happen or unto-wards shall we say. Again never fool proof and you always get the muppet club I call them trying as you pointed out moderating Pictures, cut paste enlarge yeh they try. However SS is different wants to be different and PV in our opinion we are for it. Rightly stated We share the view you want to join our community this is our terms from day one with no time lapse no different to buying alcohol Cigs etc to name a few if you are genuine you do it in our view at point of sale. Will it reduce the time wasters MM They find another way for us to attack a detect them we believe. Such is life. WE ARE WATCHING!

We held an event in Cambridge around 4 years or so ago I was shocked after many of a group chit chat etc via messages were in outcry that they was against being I.D but actually turned up with passports, driving licences in hand and then happy to confirm who they were. We thought it was going to be a flop, The Team was Gobsmacked after the so call fall out we had but terms n condition due to an emergency - fire Regs etc so we exactly new who was there in the event shall we say every come along and complied. so many people do not like change/s, object scream in the forums/chat room which is good open speech, who does but making policy at joining, the people know thats the T&Cs of SS they can take the adult choice, or try elsewhere?

We better STOP
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Well not a bad result considering 47 have veiwed..
Should definately go to a vote. Somthing so important as this. X


15 September 2014
I voted no for a simple reason for newbies if you are starting our you may not feel ready to share your picture or want to prove who you are and itay take time to get the confidence to say yes I'm me and I'm into x y z... Anyway thats my thoughts
Indeed and that has been brought up and all newbies will be given a month to settle in and adjust, if we go ahead with it. (y)
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