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5 July 2016
Omg brilliant..... Just brilliant. I knew it were the elves doing all the hard work.

Hard to believe it only takes 2 hours to write the quiz whilst trying to maintain a hidden link. I had a little go in my head trying to think of a theme and writing questions where the answers would link up. I've gotta admit I struggled. It would probably take me a day to write one quiz.

B x

Deleted member 1030

I've gotta admit I struggled. It would probably take me a day to write one quiz.
It gets easier with practice. The link is the most difficult part, so I usually start with that and build the rest of the quiz around it.
Reactions: Therapon
5 July 2016
Pmsl Brilliant. We want porn Star names
We might have to start a new thread for suggestions :hmm:

B x
Reactions: MP386


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017

Just read this out loud in the style of the book from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and I'm still giggling

N xxx
Reactions: Deleted member 6485
19 March 2015
Well that's a reply! Thank you for sharing that with us all..
Arthritis is a hell of a thing aye. Nasty..
Nothing sad in Geocaching at all! It's something for everyone there and gets you out and about. It's good to have shared mutual interests isn't it.
In short very normal, healthy and happy loving couple. Good for you.
A shame that support was not offered to Kaz, but sadly that's life for you. some people will offer an arm of support, some don't give a shit. Not good enough really is it.
Family of 7.. No TV before or what? Nah it's great having a big family. They'll make up for it when you're older

Thanks both a very considerate and insightful post. x
5 July 2016
In short very normal, healthy and happy loving couple. Good for you.

Nothing normal about us I'm afraid. It takes a lot of hard work from us both. The meds help

Kaz, but sadly that's life for you. some people will offer an arm of support, some don't give a shit. Not good enough really is it.

My employer wasn't very supportive and I spose I was too much of a risk for them to keep on as a manager. Funny thing is I had to surrender my driving liscense due to bi-polar yet they offered us a blue badge . Balders told them to keep it for someone who needs it. Mental health doesn't stop me being able to walk across a car park. It's plain crazy.

Family of 7.. No TV before or what? Nah it's great having a big family. They'll make up for it when you're older

Our family arrangement is nuts and always gets us funny looks:-
Eldest lad 16 - Karens before we met
Eldest girl 14 - ours
We were together for 3 years but it was not meant to be at that time in our lives.
Middle girl 13 - Karens after she married
Middle lad 13 - Baldricks from a different relationship.
Youngest lad 7- Karens from marriage but he only knows Baldrick as Dad.
Youngest girl 3 - ours after falling in love with each other after 8-9 years apart.
Been happily together for 6 years now as a couple. It took some practice relationships but we got there in the end.

When we say it's complicated we mean it's complicated

19 March 2015
Blimey! Busy busy....
Ahhh it's a mad world alright, especially with the DDA. Doesn't quite work does it?
Am glad the meds are helping you. Only you know what works best... And if they are helping then it's all good. x


A label is just a label..
As I said before we change our clothing labels to suit our tastes and mood at the time..
It means nothing..
Fashion will always change and come full circle.
You are what you are when you want if you want..
I am and will always be me...



Stud Muffin
11 May 2017

All seems quite straight forward to me
26 July 2016
Now theres a blast from the past Ms.Dos or disk operating system was last seen in windows millennium if anybody remembers that far back lol
Hahaha remember it, I still have a copy and also learned BBC Basic for my troubles now that's way back
25 July 2016
E I remember it well used to write my own programs on the Amstrad 464 as they used Z80 assembly language and also locomotive basic so easy to learn was a case of almost typing what you wanted it to do and most of the time at the end just add a goto loop lol


@Admin healp..
Can't find this language on Google translate....

Reactions: Therapon


I have a question for @Admin..
I think that I have just figured something geek out..
When I go to forums.. Some of them are in bold others are not.. I have always assumed that the bold meant something new.. But have noticed that if I click on it... It takes me to something about me..
Is it bold for everyone or just people it wants to attract..
Sorry only taken two years to figure this out..
Reactions: Pearls


18 July 2015
Sorry I kept him busy...
Reactions: The_Bibas


15 September 2014
Yes bold means new posts, and unread posts within certain forums. The ones you are clicking on with your posts etc are new replies to your threads or replies in threads which you've posted in.
Other ones then are simply new posts or new threads by others. xx
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