Personally no one should use the N word its not a nice word and is a word widely used during slavery so singers of any race should stop using it.
I'm with you on that - I don't think use of the word elevates anyone.
Aye agreed, no one should... but they do. Especially in rap & hip-hop and it's not a fekin "new thing" either. For example, NWA (name says it all) have been using the term from day 1.
Should we now slap down 'white people' for saying the N-word when singing along to a rap or song that uses it?
Absolutely fucking not.
Should we slap down 'white people' for saying the N-word for no reason other than to hurt others?
Then absolutely we should.
To cry outrage at youths/kids saying it to rap is mind-blowingly stupid, overly sensitive and mundane.
Hell, the other week during a party in the garden, our 15 y.o who is rap obsessed (think he follows me a little

) was saying it, IN TIME to a rap he was listening to. One was by XXXTentacion and the other by NWA after I was showing him a video about the black ghetto culture which started trip-hop/hip-hop/rap.
Was he wrong for doing so?
No. No way.
The authors are wrong for doing so.... stay away from it and don't use it in the first place, else you will have young, impressionable teenagers and young adults such as our 15 y.o repeating the same.
Even more so if it's actually part of the fekin song!
As it happens, incidentally on this subject, he and I plus
@Pearls were discussing the same this morning in the car. XXXTentacion came up again as were were discussing Glitch, Rap and Hip-hop. I was telling him about Soundcloud mixes, scratching and again, the whole black/white situation across the pond - specifically in the Bronx, Ghetto and Brooklyn etc.
These kids are being butchered by their own people but more so the police who are meant to protect them.
Anyway, the song I referred to about this, is 'Look at me' by XXXTentacion which I cannot share here. I did share a version of it in the Music Thread the other day, but full version I cannot.
Anyway, he talks and raps about how brutal life is there for being a young, black teen/youth/young adult.
America have racism deep rooted into their blood which I find ironic as they're not native Americans are they....
Racism, is a man-made thing. We're not born racist!
We bleed the same, eat the same, feel the same, cry the same... skin colour has nothing to do with being a human being and how we are.
Sadly those who are racist, have no space in my heart or sq foot of living space.
It will always exist and you cannot stop it. You can help eradicate and educate, but it will never cease.
FWIW here is NWA for you to highlight what I mean regarding the lyrics;