Real People, Wanting Real Fun

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27 April 2015
Hello again, New and fellow Swingers, Social Swinging is a site built for very real swingers, and the people on here are all actually VERY REAL people first, with very real feelings, and emotions that happen to enjoy Swinging too, We won't and dont jump on everyone immediately, Sorry to disappoint you, but like you, we are all here to have serous fun.
This certainly is not the place for an easy fuck, or a one night stand, ( This is the real world we all have lives, families, jobs as well as needs) But we all of us, do and must have a sexual attraction for you, (even slight) to want to meet you further, and if it happens to be there, then we may say hello to you, and a good friendship can start.
But this process only starts with an attractive picture of YOU on your profile, to tempt us. (This means you !!!!, not a car, boat, cartoon, field/beach, dog, or other inanimate object) trust us, there's nothing to attract us sexually in any inanimate objects, so if that's the path you choose here, it could be a lonely short lived one,
The forums are where the real fun stuff is, and chartrooms too with private messaging for personal one to ones.
Keep any expose vivid photos in your private gallerys, we are Swingers, and trust us, we see lots of these bits, regularly, we are honestly more interested in the real person/s first, the rest, if its there, will follow, We assure you !!
Nothing on this site should be taken for granted, if you mess up, the Admins will drop on you, and none of us on here will suffer fools lightly, and there is no coming back !!
This site has been built to bring like minded Real Swingers together in a totally safe environment and have lots of fun, sexual or otherwise, but you will only get back what you put in, if you don't get involved, we certainly won't !!! Its all in your hands, So as said earlier, We hope you enjoy your ride here, and meet lots of exciting new sexy friends along the way. We've never looked back since joining,
Our regards, @The-A-Team xxx.


Hello again, New and fellow Swingers, Social Swinging is a site built for very real swingers, and the people on here are all actually VERY REAL people first, with very real feelings, and emotions that happen to enjoy Swinging too, We won't and dont jump on everyone immediately, Sorry to disappoint you, but like you, we are all here to have serous fun.
This certainly is not the place for an easy fuck, or a one night stand, ( This is the real world we all have lives, families, jobs as well as needs) But we all of us, do and must have a sexual attraction for you, (even slight) to want to meet you further, and if it happens to be there, then we may say hello to you, and a good friendship can start.
But this process only starts with an attractive picture of YOU on your profile, to tempt us. (This means you !!!!, not a car, boat, cartoon, field/beach, dog, or other inanimate object) trust us, there's nothing to attract us sexually in any inanimate objects, so if that's the path you choose here, it could be a lonely short lived one,
The forums are where the real fun stuff is, and chartrooms too with private messaging for personal one to ones.
Keep any expose vivid photos in your private gallerys, we are Swingers, and trust us, we see lots of these bits, regularly, we are honestly more interested in the real person/s first, the rest, if its there, will follow, We assure you !!
Nothing on this site should be taken for granted, if you mess up, the Admins will drop on you, and none of us on here will suffer fools lightly, and there is no coming back !!
This site has been built to bring like minded Real Swingers together in a totally safe environment and have lots of fun, sexual or otherwise, but you will only get back what you put in, if you don't get involved, we certainly won't !!! Its all in your hands, So as said earlier, We hope you enjoy your ride here, and meet lots of exciting new sexy friends along the way. We've never looked back since joining,
Our regards, @The-A-Team xxx.
Groundhog dayyy...
Nicely put @The-A-Team, yes as the site grows, which is of course a good thing.
Various 'rules' are being implemented.. as i'm sure you are fully aware.
@Admin is working tirelesly, and continuously, to make this site secure and safe, and genuinely a nice place to be... for our members both new and old.
Its sometimes a thankless job, i dont think people actually realise the effort that goes into the site behind the scenes.. from the admin to the moderators..
Not much more i can say really steps are being taken. :D x
27 April 2015
Definitely not groundhog day, and yes we are fully aware of the extreme tireless efforts put in by all the Admins. But we are existing active members, and are here to see what's going on, others that are very new here, or visit infrequently, may not be,
Too many people come from other sites expecting the same mindset as they are previously used to, or are totally brand new, and not know the etiquette we have come to expect here, so by setting the scene for everybody new or non frequent, it only seems fair !!, We are all here for the same thing, it's just better education that gets the rewards.
The A Team


Well said guys absolutely agree with your comments. I think all newbies to the site should read this post.
There are too many inactive users who pop on now and then, like a few pics and then are gone for weeks again. Whats the point....i dont get that.Hopefully with the new changes being implemented that will soon stop. We want genuine friendly sociable swingers here xxxxx


Definitely not groundhog day, and yes we are fully aware of the extreme tireless efforts put in by all the Admins. But we are existing active members, and are here to see what's going on, others that are very new here, or visit infrequently, may not be,
Too many people come from other sites expecting the same mindset as they are previously used to, or are totally brand new, and not know the etiquette we have come to expect here, so by setting the scene for everybody new or non frequent, it only seems fair !!, We are all here for the same thing, it's just better education that gets the rewards.
The A Team
Yes yes and change attitudes.. ooops blimey i slipped into my bold dress for a second there. Excuse me ;)


11 August 2015
As @meet_the_fockers has already said Admin is putting in a lot of work to make this a better, safer and fun site to be on, a site which people want to be a part of. In some ways that is the easy part, the most difficult thing is changing peoples mindsets and given their passed experiences it will take a while for them to either fit in or decided this site is not for them, that is something we have to accept and try to help them. Give them a chance and hopefully they will see the benefits of staying here.

Deleted member 2610

This being the first swinging site I've been on I've no idea of other sites and from talking to other members here no intention of finding out. When I first joined I made a few mistakes and Mrs A Team put me in my place and gave me some great advice which I took on board. I like it here and have hopefully made a few friends and looking to make more. Treat people as you wish to be treated, right attitude and manners are needed xxxx


As @meet_the_fockers has already said Admin is putting in a lot of work to make this a better, safer and fun site to be on, a site which people want to be a part of. In some ways that is the easy part, the most difficult thing is changing peoples mindsets and given their passed experiences it will take a while for them to either fit in or decided this site is not for them, that is something we have to accept and try to help them. Give them a chance and hopefully they will see the benefits of staying here.
Thankyou... x


I think it's great that the scene and expectations are set. From what I've seen on other sites the behaviour from members on this site is far better. I've seen couples, single females and single males have inappropriate, distasteful and aggressive discussions on the forums and chat. So well done for setting the standards. My point on some people coming and going would be that I don't see that as a problem. People will only get out if it what they put in. I might be included in this group of people, I'm new, I'm intrigued and tempted by the lifestyle and want to learn more. However, I need to do this at my own pace. Personal commitments will dictate that I will come and go but I will try and contribute. I'm looking forwards to hopefully getting to know some if you better ...
27 April 2015
Yes yes and change attitudes.. ooops blimey i slipped into my bold dress for a second there. Excuse me ;)
No one doubts your bold striving dress, or efforts, but your all staff, I am simply offering my two penneth, in an aid to help you all strive easier, with a members pont of view rather than a staff/Admins point of view, after all this site was built for swingers by swingers and often members only, do have a little clout, especially when they are listned to even when opinionated !!!!
Kisses, @The-A-Team xx


No one doubts your bold striving dress, or efforts, but your all staff, I am simply offering my two penneth, in an aid to help you all strive easier, with a members pont of view rather than a staff/Admins point of view, after all this site was built for swingers by swingers and often members only, do have a little clout, especially when they are listned to even when opinionated !!!!
Kisses, @The-A-Team xx
Yes my dress is very bold.. and we appreciate.. your two penneth worth as a member. as i stated in my first post. Nicely put @The-A-Team.
Im just putting my two penneth worth in as staff and saying we are continually implementing new ideas... to improve.
You are longstanding members and longstanding swingers i know, that you know, exactly what i mean. Kisses. ;)