Sending out that do you fancy meeting up message

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22 July 2017
I go away for 10mins to walk a dog and poor @Admin has been cleaning!!! We are very much looking forward to the next social. Hopefully the chemistry is there and it leads to some meets x
14 February 2017
Back to the original topic of the thread, and please bear in mind this is purely MY experience from my years of swinging (not necessarily this site, or any member(s) of this site):
1. I rarely send the first message to single females, not due to fear of rejection (I'm used to it now) but rather the knowedge that majority of single females are inundated with offers, my message get buried by the next legion of messages before said female has had a chance to see it.
2. I rarely send a message to couples as, well, I tend not to be most couples' cup of tea... but after reading alot of profiles its not always evident.
3. People aren't always clear what they want: some give an insight what they want, I assume I fit the bill, but the couple/single fem aren't forth coming so its social ping pong for a couple of years while I try to suss if they're interested.
4. People aren't always forthcoming that they're interested, and me missing every hint completely unaware they want me to make the move, end up with the next couple of years' polite social ping pong completely oblivious.

I'm a simple man, gimme a clue, a flare, some signal that you're interested otherwise I end up in limbo (ps: my inbox is always open).
16 October 2015
You've missed out option 3; Had so many rejections, as in every single one and can only take so much.
I know this is going off topic but prior to me swinging and before that extra marital affairs I was as shy as could be. Now I’ve no problem and I think it was just a confidence thing.
My advice to you Kwaka would be to cease with the invites to meet and get where the real action is. Swingers clubs. Everyone there is there for some reason or another. Chat freely and soon you’ll have a list of contacts all over the UK. It’s worked for me and I reckon if I can then anyone can. I see this site as more like a swingers facebook site. All is well when everyone’s happy but as soon as someone says something controversial then it all kicks off.
Good luck mate. #clubsiswhereitsat

Deleted member 3657

My advice to you Kwaka would be to cease with the invites
Done that a long time ago
get where the real action is. Swingers clubs.
Yep, been there but can't get to the nights I'm allowed in due to work times, by the time I get home, sort out some domestic admin, wash, changed and then drive almost an hour to get to the closest club I'm looking at about 2200-2300 before I get there. I'm up at 6 the following morning to go to work.
Appreciate the advice fella but I've thought of all you've said already.
Thanks though mate.


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
We don't send out many messages and the reason is simple really we have a complicated life and money and having the place to ourselves is a rare thing. When we do have some cash and can meet with someone we are attracted too we message then as when we say we will meet up we will unless it is something beyond our control stopping us, then we will tell our meet and try an arrange another meet for another time. The same if we have the place to ourselves or a few days which we have in July so if your interested please do pm us :)

16 October 2015
Done that a long time ago

Yep, been there but can't get to the nights I'm allowed in due to work times, by the time I get home, sort out some domestic admin, wash, changed and then drive almost an hour to get to the closest club I'm looking at about 2200-2300 before I get there. I'm up at 6 the following morning to go to work.
Appreciate the advice fella but I've thought of all you've said already.
Thanks though mate.

Sometimes you have to make time like booking half days for instance. You don’t work Sundays do you? The place opens at 2pm and mainly goes quiet about 8pm. Perfect
There is ALWAYS a way.
26 July 2016
Bloody hell this thread was supposed to get folks to open up and it sparked a war for gods sake. Whats wrong people just say why you cant and stop pointing fingers as its not big and its not clever

Deleted member 3657

These type of threads never seem to work. You just get the same people (including me) saying the same bloody thing. People don't initiate, arrange meets despite what one or two say about it being done behind closed doors and not want to be public about it (the everybody agree with me comments), that's bollocks and I don't believe that for a second otherwise you wouldn't get the same ones repeating the above comments (throughout the thread @BoltonBiFemCpl, not yours ) I've had the impression for a long time that quite a few members only 'play' at being swingers on a virtual level yet seem to be experts in how to be involved.

Standing by for the White Knights.......
22 July 2017
***One Size Does Not Fit All***
Placing yourself or the person next to you into options a) b) c) simply is not doable as everyone is different and no two life circumstances are the same!
It's Bank Holiday Monday the sun is shining, if everyone reading this post walks a little taller, has a bounce in their step and thinks I will send that message today to someone I think is beautiful or funny or clever and I find it a turn on, so I am going to just send a message to say you have caught my eye so "hello!".... That's enough! ... a positive thing to do that has the potential to become more, maybe banter, flirting or the best shag of your life!!!!
18 April 2018
We have a family trip to London next week but then we're really wanting to get involved with some of the social events with you guys. We used to be on Fab but have now closed down our account. The abuse we had on there was horrendous so it probably will take a bit of time for us to get back to where we were before that stuff happened. We loved the social side of it and love being around people that have the same mind set that we do. We are here to get that courage back finally and have some fun again with like minded people. We have had nothing but encouragement since we joined.


15 September 2014
I'd like to point something out.
Due to this specific comment, we have decided to revert edits and restore the deleted posts in question. The reason for this should be quite clear, but obviously this post shows that context means everything as the wrong conclusion and assumption has been made.
By restoring it all, you can see the context and what was said. We've collectively agreed it's for the best, to prevent people assuming things without knowing facts.
All is well when everyone’s happy but as soon as someone says something controversial then it all kicks off.
Obviously it goes without saying that @Miss-Sexy-Legs was more than happy to allow this and in fact was her decision and suggestion.

Deleted member 1030

I'm not quite sure from where this idea, that people only chat on here and never meet, comes. Whilst it is true that we are not the sort of wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am site that can be found elsewhere, I know plenty of people who've had meets on here. They don't necessarily shout it from the rooftops, but they quietly get on with having fun, having social meets, parties (dinner parties, even o_O) - one-to-ones, weekend gatherings, club meets etc. etc. - and it's not just an "elite" or a "chosen few", either, it runs the whole gamut of our membership.
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Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
It's so easy to judge people by what you think you see and think you know but we all have lives away from swinging and this site and sometimes they prevent us from doing what we really want to do. So instead of people getting judgemental and making assumptions maybe look at the bigger picture instead :D


Deleted member 8095

Intersting thread and responses, I (mr) have sent out a few messages in the past and some have lead to just chatting and banter, another lead to playtime and recently to agreeing to meet when we can, but my point is, all this is done privately, it's no one's business what/Who i talk to never mind sleep with !

I and we as a couple will continue to message people we find intersting/sexy/horny etc and we're more than happy to receive messages from others, I think everyone either single gent, lady or couples need to make an effort, as the old saying goes, "you only get out what you put in !!"
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14 February 2017
Looks like people opening up with a more positive outlook, so here;s raising a glass to what we're here for: yes we love the social side, but we're also swingers. May the sacrifice of many panties to come fuel our lustful fun :)
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22 July 2017
Due to this thread we have already had an inbox may not amount to anything, it might! Who cares! ..... So all is not lost.... Swinging is Alive, Alive O!!!! X
#makeithappenmonday :love:
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Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
Had a message which was lovely and it has now gave me food for thought so some of you may get a message ;) I have such a smile on my face :D

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Deleted member 9925

Sheesh people we disappear for a few days and it's all kicks off
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