Sending out that do you fancy meeting up message

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Deleted member 9925

We have caught up on the full thread now and would like to say the following.
If you like the look of us send a message we always reply however we are also always honest so don't get upset if the answer is no it's never a personal attack it's because for whatever reason we don't think we're compatible and we ask you do the same if we send you a message
We haven't actually sent anyone the hey do you wanna meet on here properly yet although we have a few prospects at the same time a good friend previously vanilla has been taking up lots of our meet time so we haven't got round to meets off here yet but I'm sure we will
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Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
We have caught up on the full thread now and would like to say the following.
If you like the look of us send a message we always reply however we are also always honest so don't get upset if the answer is no it's never a personal attack it's because for whatever reason we don't think we're compatible and we ask you do the same if we send you a message
We haven't actually sent anyone the hey do you wanna meet on here properly yet although we have a few prospects at the same time a good friend previously vanilla has been taking up lots of our meet time so we haven't got round to meets off here yet but I'm sure we will

Good way to be honesty the best policy
26 July 2016
Unfortunately hidden agendas happen on sites like these and so it turned into a slagging match - So sad when its intended to make folks think about how they do and more to the point dont go about things
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9 September 2017
55 so shy... It was all the prosecco!!! (((Mental note next time we meet for drinks make sure we are well stocked up!))) We would drink with you guys anytime x x

Funny you should mention that, only today I was trying to decide whether my hard-earned new wine glasses were worth the effort when I could perhaps have just got a couple of buckets :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Antogs xx


18 July 2015
Ok just to clarify Miss Raven had been on this site before as mentioned, she cost us two valuable members, a charming gent who most of you would know and a single mum of two. Giving her the benefit of the doubt we allowed her back but people like this never change and her attitude sadly will never change.

These type of threads never seem to work. You just get the same people (including me) saying the same bloody thing. People don't initiate, arrange meets despite what one or two say about it being done behind closed doors and not want to be public about it (the everybody agree with me comments), that's bollocks and I don't believe that for a second otherwise you wouldn't get the same ones repeating the above comments (throughout the thread @BoltonBiFemCpl, not yours ) I've had the impression for a long time that quite a few members only 'play' at being swingers on a virtual level yet seem to be experts in how to be involved.

Standing by for the White Knights.......
I've had the impression for a long time that quite a few members only 'play' at being swingers on a virtual level yet seem to be experts in how to be involved.
I know it's difficult for you when meeting due to work commitments as we have spoken many times but people are meeting very regular from this site, what you and others here don't know is we have a safety for meets section which is completely private between the member and Admins only. This section is used regularly so we know who is meeting, this site is busy for meets and certainly not a virtual or simply social. We have meets regular so it is working for most on here.
Not everyone advertise verifications but we know of members here meeting different people every week.
I do agree attending events are a good way to meet people though if you can't meet anyone simply from the site, I hope this clarifies your opinion on how the site is working for most here and hopefully the RAF can cut you some slack so can start having some Kwaka time (y)

Ok so who to message :sneaky::whistle:


9 November 2015
I don’t meet people regularly you would think being single it should be easier but life ,work and other commitments do get in the way as does distance ... it’s the same situation for most ... I don’t go to many socials the well documented problems of being a single bloke and clubs restricting entry on a weekend ...
I come here to escape and hopefully have a bit of fun even if it’s few and far between.....
@Pearls my inbox is still empty ;)
4 July 2017
Ok just to clarify Miss Raven had been on this site before as mentioned, she cost us two valuable members, a charming gent who most of you would know and a single mum of two. Giving her the benefit of the doubt we allowed her back but people like this never change and her attitude sadly will never change.

Was she the opinionated one who didn't know shit about shit?

14 February 2017
Fine. Saves me having an argument :)

Personally, I've never been a fan of the "I don't need to do anything - you should be chasing me" club. It's right up there with the "Your a single guy, you bring nothing to the table" club.

Instead I believe you get as much as you put in (reminding myself to get a move on!) and the scene has something for everyone just as everyone has a role to play.

Deleted member 9925

We do have a bit of a problem with people coming on a swingers site and getting the hump when they don't get meets really doesn't sit well and come across whiney when they then claim nobody meets on here
The other side of well everyone comes to me is easy to understand but not right the fun is in mutually beneficial meet where everyone gets what they want if you can't even be bothered trying on here what are you going to be like on the actual meet?
21 January 2018
I don't normally send out the 'Hi, do you fancy a meet/drink?' Message as I know I'm not everybody's cup of tea. I don't lie about my size and there are pics of me on our profile and I think if you like what you see, you'll say so. We haven't had a meet with anybody from here yet as Dan works (all the time so it seems) so it's hard trying to get a day when both sides are available x

Deleted member 8095

I don't normally send out the 'Hi, do you fancy a meet/drink?' Message as I know I'm not everybody's cup of tea. I don't lie about my size and there are pics of me on our profile and I think if you like what you see, you'll say so. We haven't had a meet with anybody from here yet as Dan works (all the time so it seems) so it's hard trying to get a day when both sides are available x

I (Mr) have had a perv at your account in the past and to be perfectly honest, there's nothing wrong with you, I know it's easier said than done as we're a larger couple and not everyones cuppa, but if you see a profile that intrigues you, send out a wee quick message, as we've found, you get some really good responses and hopefully opportunities ;) we never know what's round the corner waiting for us unless we look !!

XxxxX (P)
21 January 2018
I (Mr) have had a perv at your account in the past and to be perfectly honest, there's nothing wrong with you, I know it's easier said than done as we're a larger couple and not everyones cuppa, but if you see a profile that intrigues you, send out a wee quick message, as we've found, you get some really good responses and hopefully opportunities ;) we never know what's round the corner waiting for us unless we look !!

XxxxX (P)
I think it's probably my lack of confidence tbh - I must drink more lol :rofl::rofl: x