Single Gents

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24 May 2017
I agree with the majority of what has been said in this post I've had plenty of good experiences when I've gone to clubs and that's with couples single lady's I've found that if you respectful n use you're Manners is your please n thank you and also as a single male don't be pushy just try to be you're self n youll make a lot of new friends along the way as I have xxx
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As someone mentioned above, usually as a single guy, other sites treat you as second class or even third! I've only been here a few days and seem most welcome which is refreshing
We treat single males as we treat everyone else.
There is not a stigma here unlike other sites, however we do insist on manners, buying all the drinks and holding the door open for all the girls.

Deleted member 3657

We treat single males as we treat everyone else.
There is not a stigma here unlike other sites, however we do insist on manners, buying all the drinks and holding the door open for all the girls.
There's a great reason for opening the door for the girls.....
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I receive approaches from solo males on another site directed at my female playmate and me, well my female playmate really
and from other couples.
The approaches from the solo males are 95% crude whilst the other 5% are studied crafted messages that include all
the stereotypical caveats perceived to identify them away from the crude, and they all look unkempt preoccupied with
their cocks and frankly naive. I actually feel sorry for them having been through it all years ago until the penny
sort of dropped about swinging.


Ive thought about this, on and off.
We have some lovely respectful, single gents on here.
What i will say is as staff, we obviously, receive the complaints, we see the other side, 95% are related to single gents.
I'm not tarring them all with the same brush 'see above' the percentage speaks for itself.
Then you have the ' I can't get a meet the hard done by brigade i can't go to a club on a friday... it goes on and on.. which culminates in us all supporting you ten fold..
Then i look at those, claiming this... moan moan moan, I then realise ai this is probably why they struggle, there is nothing more off putting.
Couples i know often struggle for a meet.. but just plod on regardless..

I actually consider single gents lucky, they join here and are readily accepted, and why shouldnt they be.
Yes lucky in mr F's words bloody hell i wish id known about places like this when i was single! Lucky buggers.
So perhaps concentrate on the good things you have on here, the banter the freindships the media...
So on the whole i consider you lucky to be part of this site, and so should you.
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Deleted member 3657

Most don't even consider that sometimes that the frustrations go far deeper than just moaning. The attitudes of most single women and couples and the narcissism displayed daily towards us does actually hurt after a while. It seems to be acceptable that we can be lied to and fed bullshit because we don't matter. Daily ignorance, never replying to or acknowledge messages in public or pm, no matter how polite. Even a "hello and and welcome" gets ignored purely because of a relationship status. Do single girls or couples have single guy friends in RL? Do you ignore them purely because they are single? Then why do it here? Not every single guy wants to be with all of you. Believe it or not, we don't fancy most of you but that doesn't mean we don't want to talk to you. It's hard enough to make connections in this lifestyle as it is but even more so when others play cupid with the ones they like which results in making it much harder and has an adverse effect on others.
The staff here do their best to help when new members join to try and change attitudes. Rude, aggressive behaviour is not tolerated, no matter what your relationship status.
Believe it or not, some of us have feelings. Some of us are genuine people, we laugh, we smile, we cry, we hurt. It's not just us moaning because we are just a single guy, it is a frustration grown over time that is fed daily by others. I personally have made some great friends, I would love to make more. We wouldn't moan so much if people stopped and thought for a moment that the guy sat at the computer might be an ok guy rather than just see the words "single guy" and automatically assume we're here to abuse you. Most of aren't. Especially here on SS.
Stop with the lies, bullshit, leading others on and a narcissistic view that you're better because you're a couple or single girl then maybe there won't be any moaning. We're all here to be accepted. We're no different. If we all stand in the rain, we all get wet.


18 July 2015
As you know Kwaks I fully support single gents, I have no tolerance to bad manners and a simple hi and thankyou or a good laugh is all that's needed, I have met couples and single ladies that think they are so special, I wouldn't give them the time of day, gents can be more well behaved, not always, some do give a bad name for the others. We try our best to educate, I try with couples and ladies, there is a new couple who have just joined, I have messaged them about their information, it isn't just rude but aggressive towards single gents, basically if you can't get a woman then you can't get it up.... I kid you not, shocking and insulting. Ladies and couples forget this site isn't like drab mingers, we do care and I believe everyone is bloody equal here. I have no time for gents, ladies, and couples who think they are something they clearly are not. Have some manners end of.
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Well said kwaks... yes we are all human we all make mistakes..
This is not personal.
This is just my take on what i see around site.
No matter how good things get some still only see the bad....and they go to huge lengths to point it out to everyone around them.
I'm not saying we should outlaw complaining, but this site needs to do something about....
Chronic complainers..
because they tend to make people around them unhappy here.
It’s a fact that negative people are highly contagious and one chronic complainer can easily get an entire site and members down.
We all have personal issues.. some more than others.. which of course can be and often is shared privately.
I know of two guys here at the moment who are going through, massive issues ...
You would never know it from their posts.
But yes kwaks i get exactly where you are coming from... X
18 October 2015
This is a really interesting post and I am going to add my views to this. Whilst we do not actively look for single males on occasion there have been one or two who have more than spiked our interest. This is not because of anything as superficial as looks but more about how they come across in the forums. This site is about being social as well as swinging hence the name. We do not discriminate about who we chat with on the basis of whether they are a couple or a single of either gender. Why would you? You wouldn't do it in the workplace or in your social circle. Just because people are on here it doesn't automatically mean that they want to have sex with you. That's like saying every gay male or female fancies you because you fit their preference. It doesn't work like that. To get the most out if this site then you need to interact with everyone without making assumptions. We have had some great social meets with single men and built lasting friendships where there is no sex involved just great laughs and fun. We have also spent time with single guys at socials held in clubs and there are never any assumptions either way.
I would just like to add that if you are a couple who don't interact with single guys then give them a chance on here. They are a different breed to some of the idiots on other sites. I have never in the two years I’ve been on here been disrespected by anyone and the Admins are so proactive in dealing with unwanted behaviour that it is very unlikely you will have any issues. So have a chat with them you might be surprised where it leads. Friendship is a valuable commodity however it is found.


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
Most don't even consider that sometimes that the frustrations go far deeper than just moaning. The attitudes of most single women and couples and the narcissism displayed daily towards us does actually hurt after a while. It seems to be acceptable that we can be lied to and fed bullshit because we don't matter. Daily ignorance, never replying to or acknowledge messages in public or pm, no matter how polite. Even a "hello and and welcome" gets ignored purely because of a relationship status. Do single girls or couples have single guy friends in RL? Do you ignore them purely because they are single? Then why do it here? Not every single guy wants to be with all of you. Believe it or not, we don't fancy most of you but that doesn't mean we don't want to talk to you. It's hard enough to make connections in this lifestyle as it is but even more so when others play cupid with the ones they like which results in making it much harder and has an adverse effect on others.
The staff here do their best to help when new members join to try and change attitudes. Rude, aggressive behaviour is not tolerated, no matter what your relationship status.
Believe it or not, some of us have feelings. Some of us are genuine people, we laugh, we smile, we cry, we hurt. It's not just us moaning because we are just a single guy, it is a frustration grown over time that is fed daily by others. I personally have made some great friends, I would love to make more. We wouldn't moan so much if people stopped and thought for a moment that the guy sat at the computer might be an ok guy rather than just see the words "single guy" and automatically assume we're here to abuse you. Most of aren't. Especially here on SS.
Stop with the lies, bullshit, leading others on and a narcissistic view that you're better because you're a couple or single girl then maybe there won't be any moaning. We're all here to be accepted. We're no different. If we all stand in the rain, we all get wet.

Neil here. I get all that i really do, I have had to be the single guy that always got left out and ignored for most of my life and it bloody hurts. Men do get thought of as strong uncaring people too much when actually everyone knows there's nothing softer than a good mans heart, but the impression is still there that we should stand up straight "grow some balls" be something we are not just to please an idea of what a man should be.
I cannot now and will never apologise or feel bad for being deeply in love with two people (long story ask me in private if interested) and their thoughts and feelings are more important to me than my own.
If that means we as a couple seem to be indifferent to your situation then have another think, we try to treat everyone the same and don't complain when they or we make a mistake.
I'm sure none of this was aimed at anyone specific, just the way you feel.
All I want to do now is buy you a beer and give you a hug.

N xxx


Life is a roller coaster. Six weeks ago my ride took a plummet, my Dad died suddenly ! I found out my mum has early dementia. I thought I was ready to quit here. Kind words we're spoken, someone very much took my hand and has been a true support through this. I found the fun and the madness on here very cathartic over the last few weeks. I'm just going to say thank you.