so why are swingers so kinky?

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11 August 2015
That is one of the really good things about this site if you want to talk about kink/fetish/bsdm you can, so we do, and what a refreshing change that makes from other sites that are either swinger or bdsm sites and never the twain shall meet.
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15 September 2014
True man, we're just all natural born kinksters. Horny, kinky and always up for a slice of something my good friend. (y) :D
27 April 2015
We think for our two penneth worth that the reason is, Social Swinging is attracting a more confident swinger, that needs some reality and a realisation to what they are doing and is sick of the other sites that promote or does not promote a friendlier atmosphere. its certainly nice from our point of view to be able to talk freely and enjoy a banter, without any worries of offending anyone, or getting banned for talking in a wrong forum !!!
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We think for our two penneth worth that the reason is, Social Swinging is attracting a more confident swinger, that needs some reality and a realisation to what they are doing and is sick of the other sites that promote or does not promote a friendlier atmosphere. its certainly nice from our point of view to be able to talk freely and enjoy a banter, without any worries of offending anyone, or getting banned for talking in a wrong forum !!!

I think that's another reason i like it in here so much, its not just about swinging, we can discuss bdsm too
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18 July 2015
what Zebo said. I'm new to swinging but have been into BDSM for years. It's nice that I feel I can be openly kinky on here, it makes it less of a leap from what I'm used to :)
Well we are here to make you all feel welcome Miss Z :whistle::p;):whistle:
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Anyway back to my point that swingers are not kinky You see as they are basically are after a sexual thrill they fail to see the true spiritual connection that occurs through kinkynessnous it moves You to a higher plane of existence basically if someone nails your nads to a plank
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