-Okay so Sexy Peeps,
@Pearls and I were talking this morning over our coffee, and we decided that mind-mapping you all - as we do, yes genuinely, we can actually create somewhat of a family tree.
Bearing in mind not only do we know almost every member we have here, we also have been fortunate enough to get to know your on-screen persona's too.
This puts us into the position of being able to form a mind-map of you all, hence our SS Family Tree.
Now, we will endeavour to do our best here - if we forget anyone, trust me it's not intentional.
It has taken a bit of thought to do this but it's not exhaustive just as families are not.
M'kay now I've covered my arse here goes.....
okay okay in the name of Christmas Spirit - as mentioned this can be a tree too, and as the star on top - it's a new lady here...
View attachment 8808
Our Star for Christmas
@Curious_mind - Little Miss Madam

@Admin Mamma
Big (but nawty) Sis
You know the one, always bails you out when you need lipgloss, a fag or a tenner
The children
Eldest ;
@riccarda Similar to the usual first born... Can get away with murder, can do whatever they like and can come and go as they please.
The eldest is always the party animal but always polite, respectful. Don't need to be told off too often, if you do you can harm her feelings and then you feel like shit for doing so.
@Therapon As with the youngest or middle one, still finding their feet and learning about things.
The Dependable and Reliable Uncles (and aunts)
You know the type, they always watch your back, always know what's going - always go to when you need to talk about you know - adult stuff.. -
@Steed99 -
@Anthony_Newton @Kikuchiyo
Godparents -
Friendly, will look after you and will take care of you when you die!! It's
@The-A-Team !!
Rocking chairs, blankets - electric fires... You get the gist IT'S
@zebo &
The NAWTY Cousins
(bet all you other naughty buggers wished you went into this one didn't ya!?) These are the ones who you know, bugger off anywhere - everywhere, do anything, get into all sorts of bloody mischief - ANY opportunity is an opportunity to get pissed, and by the end of the night they're either chatting birds up at the bar, or have their knickers down their ankles - yes we all know the type.. Anyway,
@Double-Trouble -
@amboman -
@LeeWidnes -
@Edinman -
@Littlelee71 -
@Leather &
@Lace -
@Looby&Lew -
@meandlis -
@Harry -
@2shameless -
@TaurinandThalia -
@dirtywmam @sweetNsaucy -
@AstralLove -
@Findaswingersclub -
@Vex @mrandmrspink @Pilipala81 -
@Kat -
@legseleven -
@Easymodesa -
@Stuart_69 -
@QueenOfTease @Tattooed_minx -
@NigelandJulie -
@busty_n_lusty @TGBS2015 @Cindylove -
@MarknHollynys @Trevor -
@Sloughslut -- added as mentioned;
@Curious_mind -
The Long Lost Cousins -
Again you know the type.. Always propping up the bar at Christenings Weddings and bloody Funerals
@masterswanvale -
@Charlia -
@HornyWestCouple -
@Sh123 -
@Stevo -
@dorset/guy -
@PRG978 -
@Letsplay4real -
@Reb&JB @Yardmanbbc @K&G_Huercal @isabella -
The Conservative Cousins -
These are the conservative cousins who we all think
MAY have swinging or fetish tendencies, but we're too scared to ask in case we get shouted at, yet when at a party will happily drink a half litre of vodka and end the night with smudged lippy and panda eyes, or are a bit wobbly on their legs..
@adeshell -
@colin-stephanie - -
@Happy Couple @emlet -
@ult1mate1 -
@Hornysunflower77 -
@lisa&paul -
@chopper -
@ropebunnylily @LeKoople @Lynz-Roberts -
@David19691 -
@uk2002 -
The Prodigal Sons or Daughters -
Here we go.. The tumbleweeds among us. They drift in & out of our lives, definitely 'The Prodigal Son Returns Syndrome' - They're never far away, they pop back in now and again for a cuppa or just pitch up unannounced.. You know they love you really, and sometimes they appear from nowhere -
@DandMina -
@Chellsterfem @Chell0408 -
@wittowoo -
@Driftwood70 -
@Bonker -
@Clares_Panties -
@Charlie -
@Kingandqueen @Markim -
@Naughtygirly -
@RandW -
@Rob_and_Dot -
@Ruberfunxxx -
@Scott -
@SecretLibertines -
@Minxy -
@HappyP -
@nelliejim -
@Beagle -
@ravencade @sthwalescpl
The Second-Twice Removed Cousins;
These are the family members who are always around somewhere, everyone knows OF them, but never quite sure how to find their way there to see them.. However, although we never go to see them much, they know how to either offer you an amazing cake & tea, or throw parties which are considered epicness of Biblical proportion.. It's the clubs & events!
@TownhouseTwosome -
@TheVA -
@Mingles -
@CatEvolution -
@ThePrivateClub -
@BiZarreEvents -
@TheMilfClub -
@Fetishswingers -
@TLCClub -
@Gloucester-Social -
@Xtasia -
@ClubHermione -
Recently Christened -
Okay these are a slight difficulty to gauge in order to add to the family tree correctly as they've literally just been Christened in what must seem like a baptism of fire! in no order as such;
@CalvinJWest -
@H_G_CambsCouple -
@skaternbabycake -
@satinblouse -
@Secretliaisons -
@Achingmember -
@jonyandjaney -
@hunybuny -
@J&H -
@Curious -
@Sweetfun -
@Rogerandlucy -
@Oakwood -
@thlovers -
@B&N_Essex -
@Shelikestodance -
@ExperiencedStillLearning -
@NoirPleasure -
@Rts1 -
@Jamesdean69 -
@Mickygred -
@Dan985 -
@DGM -
@BucksGuy -
@Leason198 @Sin1
New eh??

Lastly - You may be wondering where
@EvilS fits into all this?
Well he's like the man in the family who keeps us all light-hearted and full of fun.
He's got such an amazing sense of humour, grit, charm and can talk the undies off a lady, smooth bugger!! In all the nicest possible ways Elvis.
So, is the tree accurate? Do you fit where I placed you or should you be elsewhere?
Have I missed anyone? If so who, and where should they be put in the tree?
Of course this will be added to, but if you're on the list, not sure where you are on the tree, have a browse and let us know if our mind-mapping is correct or not.
Also, check out who else is mapped with you!
They're mapped with you for a reason you know, so who knows what mischief you can all get up to!