Social Swinging 'family Tree'

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Ok let's see if we get any response in this thread, seeing as we are meant to be part of a family. If no one knows what I am talking about, look at our profile. Holly


15 September 2014


How amusing, I mention getting my tits out and we get replies. I understand you want new members and are busy, but you should remember who advertises this site as well


15 September 2014
How amusing, I mention getting my tits out and we get replies. I understand you want new members and are busy, but you should remember who advertises this site as well
Sorry but I feel this is a dig towards me.?
As I just said on your profile;

Sorry but what's that supposed to mean? I have only now got online? Was on at 8ish this morning, but then had to go out (as we do every Saturday morning - the only time off we take for 3 hours) - have only got back. Is there an issue here?
Not a friendly site? You sure about that?
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10 August 2015
Just looking for someone to play with this afternoon/evening...anyone? ( not you Lee lol)

Damn :( lol

Family time :smoking:

I do like a bit of family time whenever I get the chance :)

Hmm keyboard is playing up again Lee :D ;)

The keyboard must of gotten a bit sticky :whistle:

Id say this is the friendliest site of its kind

Must agree with you there!

I'm also a very. very. very friendly person ;)

Would you like to get freindlier ;)

Never one to miss an oppertunity. X

Opportunities should never be missed if at all possible :)
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