social swinging

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15 September 2014
Seems more and more are realising what is going on around them and the sheer scale of corruption, that is going on..
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when we were on another site, we were paid members for years, we fell out with a member called kinkykath (we say we fell out, she fell out with us) she barred us from going to a social cos she didnt like me because in her opinion i was too attractive. she sent me loads of abussive messages on there, i reported her for sending these message as they were out of order and the messages were deleted out of my inbox by the site. we were then told we couldnt attend townhouse or swingfields by admin on the site. i still have a profile on there as cant do anything with it as im banned from using forums etc. i really dont know what happened to that site.


VIP Member
5 April 2015
Nothing surprises me anymore! lol
I haven't forgotten what happened in the summer, by any means! AND it seems, many others haven't either! The forums over theer just aren't busy anymore and I know many people who are not renewing their subscriptions, a lot of whom have never even been to Townhouse but are shocked by their superiority and control they think they have over their members and clubs.
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15 September 2014
they think they have over their members and clubs.
But that's it...
They DO have control over members and clubs. Most just don't realise it......
We've seen a difference with how people react and respond to us since all that happened, so they do have control, but people just need to realise that the sooner they leave the place, the better.

Corruption, blackmail, monopolising, sheer and total disregard for clubs & members alike, poor business ethics, bad business practices and ruling with an iron fist - is not acceptable.
Sadly even though people have the option to and aware that they can vote with their feet - they don't.

It's a very sad and deeply frustrating fact.
That said, I personally do believe more and more are realising their options and realising just who these people are.
Devious and sly.... Rotten from the core.
Some are just either ignorant to what goes on around them, or are simply happy to put up with what they do.
I would say I fear that it's the latter, but I think it's a combination of the both.

Just my tuppence worth.


Not at all, it's a shame I stayed. I brushed crap under the carpet, unsure where else to go! Yeah biba may have a large following so what? At the end of the day she may be beautiful blah blah... But she's a person a normal person likes daft things like making toast and giggling.. etc etc.. Here your faith should be restored she knows this..we are grounded here honest! Our users are a priority not a commodity! Xxx..
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15 September 2014
I guess now is a good time to join in.
I am Stephen.
For the past few months I have been running the fab side because Biba was openly abused and threatened by a fab member. He was suspended but is back on. As a result we left fab. We joined up again about 5 months ago and now I run it. There are days we get 20 messages and days we get 1500. As a rule we invite people into ****** to further vet them. I would say that out of every 500 to 1000 messages we may invite 1 person into ******.
In there we share face pictures and ask for a live video to prove that they are not using fake pictures. Out of every 20 or so people in ****** we never hear back from 19.
Yes it most certainly is fucked and broken.
We are here now and like the intention of where it is going. We are very raw to this although Biba has a flare to get people worked up.
I would say that this is our last bite at swinging only because of our experience on fab and indeed twitter. It really is less work and more rewarding picking someone up in a bar. Sorry if I sound disillusioned but that is the fab effect.

Hello Stephen, and I am glad you have spoken out..

I am going to share a story with you, if I may.
Yes I am admin, yes I am the owner of this site. I am also a human being and for once I am going to leave being owner and admin and all of that out of it.

All I ask is five minutes to construct what I am about to write.. x


15 September 2014
Okay.. here it is. This is us, as admin, as owners as people, as swingers.
We had fun a very long time ago, kids happened and a few years' later we wanted to resurrect what fun we had.
This was 12-13 years ago if not more, at the time it was wife swapping, we didn't know what 'swinging' was.
Lasted some time but that is irrelevant..

Fast forward to now - and I did what I could Internet wise and searched what we enjoyed. This led me to fab. Or as we call em; Fucked And Broken.

We found what we wanted to find, we found our corner of the world where we felt understood.
Or so we thought....
This wasn't just about SEX, it was about being intimate with other people, within our marriage. Opening up to other people and allowing them in.
So I took the lead and being a forumite set off and said to Pearls, we'll be okay, I will manage what we have got.

We made friends, we sent out details, we started to get involved with people and it was looking great..
Then BAM! out of nowhere, our 'friends' starting dropping us, we were being blocked for no reason by people we spoke with regularly, even as much as to say we supported a lady through her father dying.

Then came the shock, the jungle drums (gossip) were banging away- we were press....
because I - and wait for it, wrote eloquently and professionally...
We were getting heavy abuse, and I mean heavy abuse.!

I asked moderators to help? Forget it.
I wrote threads and the mods deleted them.. I posted replies and they were deleted....
Mods soon stopped responding and it was clear admins had an issue.

Because to the cliques, we were media.. We were press! Or at least I was, because I wrote so well, so eloquently and so on.
Basically the crux of it was, we were press because of the WAY I WROTE!?

Since then, we were outcasted, and I even posted numerous threads, none of which naming and shaming or anything of the sorts, only to be further victimised by the admins.

Fact is, the admins enjoy bullying.
The mods enjoy bullying.

I can go on, but won't.. It's not right for me to.
They are BULLIES! I can tell you so much more publicly but will not.
Fact us, they're bullies, they edit peoples profiles, they edited MY profile.... going back 2 years ago up to over 1 year ago. They edit your profiles guys! Wake up!

They edit your photos, they allow bullying and allow shit to go on that should not happen.
They allow blackmail, they allow harassment, they allow extortion, they use illegal, immoral and underhand tactics on clubs and people, and use unethical tricks on all walks of life on their site.

They rule with an iron fist, they dictate and tell people what to do!!

When are people who use it, going to realise they are on a sinking ship!!?


11 August 2015
@Admin. Sad it it may seem I'm actually glad that happened otherwise I/we wouldn't be here now chatting, having a laugh and just having a great time.
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Admin, how many members are on this site that are also on F? Could we amass enough of us to all post SS on out tag line and really cause them issues.....
It all comes down to balls and people power
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15 September 2014
Admin, how many members are on this site that are also on F? Could we amass enough of us to all post SS on out tag line and really cause them issues.....
It all comes down to balls and people power

Enough, but it comes down to people power...
People must march with their feet! x

Not enough yet.. but time and staying power, people power, will make it so.. :) x
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I shall be doing a long list.. Of questions..
I shall also be telling all their users(commodities) about 2 ex freinds of ours..
Responsible for moderating the old trusted.. Verification face pics.
How they took great delight in bringing up all the (never to be seen) face verification Pictures... In my living room.. On a lap top WOW look at that minger...For all to giggle at!! And no I never have been a mod/Admin on there, I was your average Joe bloggs and quite frankly could have been anyone!!
Yes the user's need to know how underhanded they are anyone that uses both sites I urge you to please tell your freinds who use that site.. It's needs to be put out there! Sour grapes on my behalf? Nope I found all this out years ago... But didn't really know where else to go/ I, I guess like a few buried my head in the sand.. But no more... I predict a riot ;) xx :D

Can you publish the long list of questions on here, and get as many SS lovelies to ask them the same a forum thread preferably.....many people read forums and if all of a sudden 100's of people start questioning the same issues people will quickly cotton on to the bullying and lack of security on that site


Can you publish the long list of questions on here, and get as many SS lovelies to ask them the same a forum thread preferably.....many people read forums and if all of a sudden 100's of people start questioning the same issues people will quickly cotton on to the bullying and lack of security on that site
I should imagine so won't be a problem x
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26 April 2015
So tested waters...all i did was send a message asking if they had heard of social swinging...instantly tjis happened. Banned from sending messages now!


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So tested waters...all i did was send a message asking if they had heard of social swinging...instantly tjis happened. Banned from sending messages now!
Who's been naughty! You'll only be stopped from sending messages for a couple of hours.. :D
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15 September 2014
Indeed but the sinister thing here is this;
If it was = I can understand..
But it was;
"Have you ever heard of a site called social swinging".....

That alone was what earnt the temp ban!
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