Swingers Sites?

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15 September 2014
As we have a thread open about Swinging Clubs , I thought this would be an appropriate prompt to start a discussion about - Swinging sites in their own right.

Please do not list site names, same as the thread mentioned - no clubs were named, just what people like to see...
So what do you like to see on a swinging site?
What's important to you?
What will keep you going back there?

Are features important? Are active and engaging staff important? Are you quantity over quality or quality over quantity?

What about prices? Would you pay, do you pay and what is a site worth to you?

One thing that caught my eye written by @TownhouseTwosome - was this;

A membership system for security of all in the club and friendly staff who like to banter with guests. There's nothing worse than a dirty club with staff who don't want to be there!!!

The last sentence got my attention as the same applies to a site.. Do you want to be on a site where the staff appear to not bother and not want to be there?
Including moderation and administration.
Do you prefer to use sites where admins and mods do engage with members, and do communicate with the members?
Including moderation and administration.


I think friendly and fair admin and moderators can make or break a site. They are the equivalent of Customer Service and ultimately reflect what your site is about. Interaction and listening to customer's concerns are key. In 'vanilla' life if you receive good or bad service you tell people, who tell their friends. More so in the swinging community.
So thank you for the warm and genuine welcome that I have received from your team. I raise a (virtual) glass to the site's ongoing success.


18 July 2015
Wow and thankyou so much..
We have been on another site which isnt moderated and abuse is huge..
As a result of this we decided to take the plunge and start SocialSwinging and we are glad we did,
We believe that our members should be looked after at all times and abuse is not tolerated here,Thankyou again and happy swinging for a new era of swinging as it should be :love::love:xx
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15 September 2014
We are always on (well as much as humanly possible) and do all we can to help....
I will say thank you SO much for the very kind words and welcomed feedback.
When I/we read feedback like this, I personally feel very humbled and recognised for all the hard and determined work we've put into this.

This is about you and is about swinging.. not the £'s. We've thought very hard about how it should look, feel and respond and we've put ... well I can't say how many hours, but believe me - in a year from creation, I would say thousands - into getting this right.
The main priority for us, is HOW you are treated, spoken to, welcomed and respected.

If swinging sites were a shop; we're M&S. Not Tesco's... but with the care and attention of a truly personal service.
Your feedback is very welcomed, but mostly appreciated.
Thank you so much for the lovely words, I appreciate it immensely.... really.
thank you x


I think as well that for me is important that things are not hidden from the users, for example if a decision is made to exclude a club and users of the site want to know why, it shouldn't just be covered up but a frank and open discussion should be held, if the decision stands at least people feel informed .
Personally I don't mind paying for a good service however obviously money these days is tight for everyone and one of the benefits to having at least a free option is that the site is able to be inclusive.
Having friendly mods and admin is a great touch especially if you feel like they are approachable, I really appreciated being contacted and made welcome when I joined here for example.
Obviously one of the things I an looking for in a website is numbers and ensuring that I am going to be able to communicate with people in the community effectively.


18 July 2015
I think as well that for me is important that things are not hidden from the users, for example if a decision is made to exclude a club and users of the site want to know why, it shouldn't just be covered up but a frank and open discussion should be held, if the decision stands at least people feel informed .
Personally I don't mind paying for a good service however obviously money these days is tight for everyone and one of the benefits to having at least a free option is that the site is able to be inclusive.
Having friendly mods and admin is a great touch especially if you feel like they are approachable, I really appreciated being contacted and made welcome when I joined here for example.
Obviously one of the things I an looking for in a website is numbers and ensuring that I am going to be able to communicate with people in the community effectively.
Money is tight and for us its not the object as we are swingers and wanted to enjoy the lifestyle
We believe that a site like this should be moderated and we have never found that on other sites,Thus starting this which we know will grow and be the best swinging site there is,
We love that the fact we interact with members and think it is a good thing and we are not fat cats sitting in leather chairs..
We are a family run business and work from home and love what we do..
Thankyou for joining
Pearls xx


15 September 2014
Agreed on all points.
As you 'bed in' here, you will see that I as admin and owner (and recently @Pearls is more included (my wife) ) openly discuss decisions, votes, plans, suggestions, ideas, goals, clubs and pretty much everything related to the site.
Even now as we write this, I am discussing with someone on their profile, how we can adjust certain things on the site for mobile viewing.
So even basic and gritty things get discussed openly as a 'community' as this is about YOU and NOT us......
This whole site is about you, your friends and your chosen lifestyle and we've dedicated thousands of man hours already into making it what it is.
I started it in August last year - we went live in March. (the 1st to be exact..)
Yes it's true we have a paid membership, but there's nothing you can't do here as a registered free account that you can as platinum. (the same can't be said for other sites - you're viewed but MUST pay to see who viewed you...puh)
The main difference is quotas. In other words, as a user who needs and wants lots of storage, all we ask is a small contribution towards it. (as it does cost a lot of money) That's it.
If we get a loaf of bread out of it too at the end of the month, cool beans :D

Also one last thing; numbers... yes a numbers game. But all of our current members will tell you, we've waited patiently, we've worked damn hard, and we've expected nothing.. but in 5 months (only five) we have a very big member base coming and we're headed in the right direction, again because we care and we are wanting to give our lifestyle what it needs online.
It needed it and desperately too.

Best wishes and warm regards
Admin x


15 September 2014
Thank you for the kind words, and as for Mrs A, @Pearls well she does like interaction - a naughty minx who is the bane of my existence :D
but when the blue touch paper is lit? Look out! ;) :p
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I just choked on my tea hahaha Im available for desk throwing :rofl::rofl:xx
Choked oh no my dear, I wouldn't want to hurt, you, let me stroke that lilly white throat better.
Nightshifts I'm sure they send me a little Gaga.
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Can't wait to see the reactions of the new victims of this site... Welcome to this site, hope you enjoy from... Sybillllllll now I am pmsl :D
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