Swinging Not Dating

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18 July 2015
Ok guys and girls this is going to be a little long winded but it's something that has to be said.
So first do you all know what swinging is?

I honestly believe quite a few have some idea but not fully understand the whole life style choice this is. This is exactly what it is, a lifestyle choice.
This is not dating and I must emphasise this. Not Dating.

Dating is where you date and build up a relationship from there, there are plenty of sites out there that can provide a dating service but we are not one of them.
Swinging is all about having fun.
Couples Know exactly what this is all about, they know that having that extra person or two, or three in their bed is what it's all about.

We have a couple here looking for a gang bang, I know that men want it but haven't got the guts to approach this.
I know of one lady here that I met twice at our birthday bash, she knows exactly what swinging is, she wants to have fun with couples and singles and do so most weekends with no strings attached.

I know of another lady who has no intention of dating or looking for a relationship, she just wants fun with no commitment.
I know of many men that are the same.

People have also become couples in this scene but that has been after a fair while of meeting and realising that they were meant to be together.
What I am saying is, we have created a genuine safe site, where all accounts are real but this is a genuine swinging site not a dating site.
If you want dating then join a dating site.

The members we want here are swingers and swingers only, this is how it should be, it's about time people started having fun and enjoy what this life style has to offer.

It's great having a genuine site but we do need to realise why everyone is here and why you joined.
@Nigel&Julie it was actually you that got me thinking on this and I know you will see where I am coming from. x


15 September 2014
Ok guys and girls this is going to be a little long winded but it's something that has to be said.
So first do you all know what swinging is?

I honestly believe quite a few have some idea but not fully understand the whole life style choice this is. This is exactly what it is, a lifestyle choice.
This is not dating and I must emphasise this. Not Dating.

Dating is where you date and build up a relationship from there, there are plenty of sites out there that can provide a dating service but we are not one of them.
Swinging is all about having fun.
Couples Know exactly what this is all about, they know that having that extra person or two, or three in their bed is what it's all about.

We have a couple here looking for a gang bang, I know that men want it but haven't got the guts to approach this.
I know of one lady here that I met twice at our birthday bash, she knows exactly what swinging is, she wants to have fun with couples and singles and do so most weekends with no strings attached.

I know of another lady who has no intention of dating or looking for a relationship, she just wants fun with no commitment.
I know of many men that are the same.

People have also become couples in this scene but that has been after a fair while of meeting and realising that they were meant to be together.
What I am saying is, we have created a genuine safe site, where all accounts are real but this is a genuine swinging site not a dating site.
If you want dating then join a dating site.

The members we want here are swingers and swingers only, this is how it should be, it's about time people started having fun and enjoy what this life style has to offer.

It's great having a genuine site but we do need to realise why everyone is here and why you joined.
@Nigel&Julie it was actually you that got me thinking on this and I know you will see where I am coming from. x
Couldn't have said this better myself. (y) :love:
We seem to be turning into a dating site more and more lately... :confused:
Well - We're not. It's Social Swinging...Not Social Dating ;) x
26 July 2016
Having had a quick think about what your saying I think it has some how slipped into a more of a social site than anything else and its folks like us that have caused it as I have to admit we don't even look on here when looking for a meet and don't know why tbh. We have had 2 meets from here in the early days so I guess us folks that have done it before need to get some messages out and start finding out who is compatible with us. I can only say sorry and promise to try harder


18 July 2015
Having had a quick think about what your saying I think it has some how slipped into a more of a social site than anything else and its folks like us that have caused it as I have to admit we don't even look on here when looking for a meet and don't know why tbh. We have had 2 meets from here in the early days so I guess us folks that have done it before need to get some messages out and start finding out who is compatible with us. I can only say sorry and promise to try harder
I think we all get comfy and it's not just you, we do. What we don't want is a dating site and this got me thinking on three points, first talking in the catfish thread about the site being genuine but not mentioning swinging. Second, after speaking to a lovely lady earlier about what she is genuinely looking for, she wants no ties but no dating and just fun as it suits her life style.
Third a lovely couple on here who have openly said what they want but not one person have come forward.
If this gets the back up with people then so be it, if you want to meet and have fun as swingers do then great but if you are here purposely to meet someone to date and have relationships then this is not the site to start on, go to POF.
We did this because we believed there isn't a place for swingers to meet and I know where this is going.
I think we need to put a meet up @Lips_Pearls time to get jiggy with it me tinks :whistle:
24 November 2015
When I first came on here I met a few sg and a cple of couples ,admittedly since becoming a cple we have backed down a bit but only because we were learning about our dos and donts ,ive not wavered from my goals ,just got to take both views into account now xx
1 August 2015
North Walsham
Having had a quick think about what your saying I think it has some how slipped into a more of a social site than anything else and its folks like us that have caused it as I have to admit we don't even look on here when looking for a meet and don't know why tbh. We have had 2 meets from here in the early days so I guess us folks that have done it before need to get some messages out and start finding out who is compatible with us. I can only say sorry and promise to try harder
Waiting for our message lol ;):whistle: N&J xx
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18 July 2015
When I first came on here I met a few sg and a cple of couples ,admittedly since becoming a cple we have backed down a bit but only because we were learning about our dos and donts ,ive not wavered from my goals ,just got to take both views into account now xx
I know both and that's why I had to mention you as you did know each other for some time, but you both didn't join to date and find love, you both came for the fun xx


9 November 2015
As a single I joined the site to hopefully have some fun ... fulfil one or two fantasies...
I never joined to find a date I am more than happy as I am a “grumpy old man”:p:p before anyone says it :p ... it would be nice to find someone to regularly play and socialise with but that’s never happened.... and I can’t see it happening....
as for your gangbang couple not something I ever considered myself doing but it would be an experience provided mini me is happy to stand up and be counted :X3: stage fright and all that ..:D but it also depends on being in the right place at the right time .... logistics :)
Dating never entered my mind when I joined still doesn’t ... :tiphat:
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19 March 2015
I think we all get comfy and it's not just you, we do. What we don't want is a dating site and this got me thinking on three points, first talking in the catfish thread about the site being genuine but not mentioning swinging. Second, after speaking to a lovely lady earlier about what she is genuinely looking for, she wants no ties but no dating and just fun as it suits her life style.
Third a lovely couple on here who have openly said what they want but not one person have come forward.
If this gets the back up with people then so be it, if you want to meet and have fun as swingers do then great but if you are here purposely to meet someone to date and have relationships then this is not the site to start on, go to POF.
We did this because we believed there isn't a place for swingers to meet and I know where this is going.
I think we need to put a meet up @Lips_Pearls time to get jiggy with it me tinks :whistle:
You read my mind, as I said the same thing here;
What Keeps You Swinging?
Again, in different rooms etc but the points are the same.
It's all too easy to get comfy and just be happy snappy pic sharing, but not actually swinging or arranging meets etc. It's not about love, it's not about making ever lasting relationships (has happened though) or declaring soul mates to others, but sex. Consensual, arranged, casual sex between consenting adults. x


11 December 2016
We are one of those that became a couple but only after months of online chatting and a lot of meetings. However that hasn't stopped us from meeting other couples, not many but only because work commitments can make rl difficult.
I saw and commented on the post by @Nigel&Julie because I really found it hard to believe the apparent lack of guys stepping forward. I can understand it if the male is part of a couple and they, like ourselves, will only meet and play as a couple but with so many single guys on the site I find it unbelieveable that, as far as I know, only 1 has stepped forward.
This is a sex site, we are here for sex so why when it's offered are the guys not jumping at the chance. Without wanting to upset anyone it does seem they can talk the talk, put up cock pics but run when genuine sex is on offer. T


18 July 2015
As a single I joined the site to hopefully have some fun ... fulfil one or two fantasies...
I never joined to find a date I am more than happy as I am a “grumpy old man”:p:p before anyone says it :p ... it would be nice to find someone to regularly play and socialise with but that’s never happened.... and I can’t see it happening....
as for your gangbang couple not something I ever considered myself doing but it would be an experience provided mini me is happy to stand up and be counted :X3: stage fright and all that ..:D but it also depends on being in the right place at the right time .... logistics :)
Dating never entered my mind when I joined still doesn’t ... :tiphat:
I know you have had fun and that's why I mentioned the guys at the end, we have met in RL and I know you genuinely want to meet people for fun times and this is my point, you didn't join to date and am sure the mini me would be fine (y)
Have you sent any messages out ;)
20 December 2017
As a single I joined the site to hopefully have some fun ... fulfil one or two fantasies...
I never joined to find a date I am more than happy as I am a “grumpy old man”:p:p before anyone says it :p ... it would be nice to find someone to regularly play and socialise with but that’s never happened.... and I can’t see it happening....
as for your gangbang couple not something I ever considered myself doing but it would be an experience provided mini me is happy to stand up and be counted :X3: stage fright and all that ..:D but it also depends on being in the right place at the right time .... logistics :)
Dating never entered my mind when I joined still doesn’t ... :tiphat:

Thank you MP386 I could not have put it better myself ... Early days for me so for me it's a case of see what happens I've got most things I want but to be able to have some consentual fun every now and then then that's ok for me right now ... Love and
Each and see you all at the party xx


18 July 2015
A couple of years ago we had gone to a social event with friends, a guy we knew had met up with a lady there and the following day she rang me and said he wanted to open a couple profile :eek: after one meet!!
She bombed him out of course.
Another on here about two years ago, same thing with a woman. She seemed lovely, we had met her at another event, went on a meet and then asked him if he wanted to move in :eek:
This is what I'm saying though, do people understand what swinging really is?
Yes this happens and we have seen this but after one meet, come on.
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1 August 2015
North Walsham
On our profile info it states we are up for meeting single guys as well as couples, but none ever message us, we seem to chat to single guys and say we would like to meet them ( spare room ) available but not none seem to take us up on the offer, we have a weekend sorted in may for one lucky gent. (ONE who taken up the offer) .N&J xx


18 July 2015
On our profile info it states we are up for meeting single guys as well as couples, but none ever message us, we seem to chat to single guys and say we would like to meet them ( spare room ) available but not none seem to take us up on the offer, we have a weekend sorted in may for one lucky gent. (ONE who taken up the offer) .N&J xx
How rude :whistle:
We need an orgy :D