The Vanilla Alternative Presents - The 2016 Festival Of Fun!

  • Thread starter TheVA
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Yea, a very good looking lady shouted across the whole social area,"what is that skinny woman doing playing with the huge fat one?" Everyone stopped, looked at us, then carried on with what they were doing. My friend went mad and shouted back "I like my ladies voluptuous and sexy" and continued to rant. She was furious all night after that.
Wow, what a bitch. She may be a 'good looking lady' but she showed what an ugly person she is.
24 November 2015
Yea, a very good looking lady shouted across the whole social area,"what is that skinny woman doing playing with the huge fat one?" Everyone stopped, looked at us, then carried on with what they were doing. My friend went mad and shouted back "I like my ladies voluptuous and sexy" and continued to rant. She was furious all night after that.
i got grief once at a club cos i was naked commented about my only having the 1 breast i looked at her and said here ya go love you can feel my other if you really want and flung it at her rise above it hunni theyre way too shallow for us good people on here xx


Oldest Swinger In Town
15 September 2015
Don't forget folks, only 4 weeks left to get tickets at the Early Bird prices. There's been loads of interest so far so we could be looking at another record breaking festival. Roll on August for some fun in the sun!


15 September 2014
Is there any chance we could have a list of names of members who are attending the FoF please?
Or even if you are possibly coming?
Thank you... ;) x


15 September 2014
Sounds like fun.... buy after the swingfields fiasco I doubt we would attend anything out in the open.
Hi guys, fully understand that.. However FoF has been running for 5 years, with no issues.. It is after all, held on private land on a private venue.
Additionally Swingfields were also hit by the press last year too...

To quote The VA's statement regarding Swingfields;
For anyone who has concerns over the recent press outages with another festival;

There are huge differences between swingfields and FOF, and this statement is by no means an attack on swingfields event.
The FOF is held in the private grounds of a licensed and registered venue, that adheres to all licensing, performance, alcohol, EHO and tax legislation.
We re not holding parties in locations that could cause offence to the general public, all attendees are registered members of the club and agree on application to a code of conduct.
We are of little interest to the press as headlines like
"Swingers invade sleepy village for a weekend of sex" are much more gutter press worthy than
" long established private members club hold a weekend party the same as every other weekend for 5 years and 6 months"
We have now held just shy of 1000 parties at the club and not a single incident of trouble. This is the fifth year of FOF and the press are so not interested in us that they report swingfields as being the longest running ( 1 year less than us) and the only outdoor event of its kind.....
We have a huge responsibility to our members as we cannot risk exposing them as unlike one off annual events we cannot simply pack up and disappear, we have to face you all week in week out, and without our members the fun at The VA would be over.
Sadly some ( not accusing swingfields at all) believe any publicity is good publicity, but we know the other attempt at a swingers country house festival last year actually invited the press in.....but he could, one event and has anyone heard of him since???
So, pick your party to suit your cloth and roll on FOF x


15 September 2014
Always good to see reassuring posts like this, alas we can't come even if we wanted to this year... Mrs M is not allowed out for 10 days :(
Ahh okay, so the Swingfields fiasco was just an additional factor then or?
Anyway perhaps next year :)


15 September 2014
FREE goodie bags will be given to SS members on arrival so come along for this amazing weekend of fun :sneaky::D
Yes we have goodie bags and some other naughty but nice things being given away...
Also if you are reading this but not a member of the site - any sign ups made over the weekend at the FoF, will be getting something extra special from us..
;) x
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Oldest Swinger In Town
15 September 2015
TOWELS - Like last year, visitors to the Festival of Fun need to bring their own towels. On most party nights at VA's the club supplies nice white towels as part of the entrance fee but with so many people visiting over the weekend, it would just be impossible to wash and dry so many towels, especially with everything else going on. Some will be available for sale for anyone that forgets but generally, visitors need to bring their own. The club's towels are white, so it would make sense for guests bringing their own to choose another colour that is easily recognised.
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15 September 2014
TOWELS - Like last year, visitors to the Festival of Fun need to bring their own towels. On most party nights at VA's the club supplies nice white towels as part of the entrance fee but with so many people visiting over the weekend, it would just be impossible to wash and dry so many towels, especially with everything else going on. Some will be available for sale for anyone that forgets but generally, visitors need to bring their own. The club's towels are white, so it would make sense for guests bringing their own to choose another colour that is easily recognised.
Sound advice there...! Thank you Mr Steed (y)
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15 September 2014
Hi all,
I have two major announcements to make about the Vanilla Alternative Festival of Fun 2016;
Firstly from the VA themselves and please note this is highly important.

Notice from the Vanilla Alternative;

Tickets are still available right up to the event and on the door.
People who have pre purchased tickets will be sent an entry code via text message a week before FOF, they will need to bring this code with them.

People will need to bring their own towels as due to damage and losses
the club does not provide free towels on this event.

People camping can gain access to set up from noon on Friday, unless
arranged otherwise with the club.

The party will be open for all from noon each day, whether you're a day
guest or weekender.

Due to the upset caused at other events, EVERYONE will be asked to sign
a press disclaimer on arrival at the venue, please remember this is a
permanent venue and a party in private club grounds attended only by
club members.

Exciting News from @ThePantiePurse
I am very pleased to announce that The Pantie Purse will be offering a 20% Discount on their exclusive Noir handmade fetish wear collection at the festival.
This is a special discount just for the festival!
@ThePantiePurse will have a large range at the festival, but of course won't be bringing the full collection of all sizes etc as it would be impossible, but if anyone wants anything bringing down please let them know.
The range can be viewed here;
Fetish Wear | Fetish Lingerie |Noir Handmade| PVC Lingerie | Bondage Lingerie | The Pantie Purse

Thank you everyone!
Admin :) x