Unexpected Things That Happen During A Meet.

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4 July 2017
Was once given a dozen pairs on (nice) pants and a haircut on a meet. That was unexpected :)
19 March 2015
Oh god, I really don't know where to start, from a wife saying she "loved me" whilst her husband watched, to a play meet ending up with a broken coccyx (stockings and stairs do not mix), the list is endless......
Haha :D
Ouch to the love thing though. Made a post about this actually... someone told us they loved us too. o_O
Dilemma - I Love You...
Was once given a dozen pairs on (nice) pants and a haircut on a meet. That was unexpected :)
Fantastic! (y)(y)
26 July 2016
We met a couple who told us they got walked in on by the daughter during a meeting. 3 things made this extra funny as they bang to rights giving oral sex to the other couple but also the other couple live next door. the daughter walked out and went to her grans house also on the same street and brought the gran round to sort the 4 of them to out but thankfully they had all got dressed by then.
4 July 2017
Ah. Arranged this meet some years ago with a guy who had a dog fetish (bare with :eek:).

So he wants me to "breed him" and call him "my bitch" and even brought a proper dog collar and chain along. Should have noticed something was up when he necked a bottle and a half of wine but hey...

A couple hours before we're due to meet I get a slightly panicky text from him saying he's "forgotten his funnel" and can I bring one from my kitchen?

Errrmmmm... I looked really hard but couldn't find one...?

3 July 2017
We also had a woman tell our lass she loved her, Very embarrassing indeed.

The thing is though... passion, I mean I see it as a good sign, that someone has let go of every inhibition and is just there for the pure joy of it.... and you know, its easy to block phone numbers these days
19 March 2015
We also had a woman tell our lass she loved her, Very embarrassing indeed.
Yes can be disastrous, funny, embarrassing and more. It's always a tricky one tbh.
The thing is though... passion, I mean I see it as a good sign, that someone has let go of every inhibition and is just there for the pure joy of it.... and you know, its easy to block phone numbers these days
But yes I know what you mean, of course - it's letting inhibitions go and opening up, but when you get a text as in the thread posted above, "I love you".. followed very quickly as if in a backpeddle "but not in that way" it can be eerie. I know this is passionate and considerate of course and yes feelings will be thrown about but... love?
uh uh. Thanks but.....
26 July 2016
The most uncomfortable situation for us was at a club. it happened shall we say right after we had all played. His wife turned to her husband and said "did you watch what he was doing cos that's how you should be doing it" made us both feel very uncomfortable and trying to make excuses for him. Must admit Mrs B later said he did not have a clue what he was doing.
4 July 2017
Oh I love this one.

So I met this chap, 24, blonde, tattoos. Nice. Go to his place and as we're pulling up to the flat he says, "I hope you don't mind but I live with my mum?"

I'm cool, you gotta live with her. Say hi and without explanation go to his bedroom.

So we're in his room, shagging energetically, making so much much noise I figure it's better to put the mattress on the floor. I've got him on his back, missionary and the doorbell goes, Ping! There is a pause and we hear mum go past the room and open the front door. Muffled talking... I get bored and start fucking again.

Then there's a knock at the bedroom door and it's mum again. There's a utilities chap who needs the code for the electric or gass or something.

So I've got this poor guy on his back, with my dick up him, while he's trying to remember this code. And I can't stop laughing at how ridiculous the situation is.

My guy's hissing at me to STFU.

Anyways, the code was remembered, the man went, we finished fucking and went back to the train station. Check my phone.

There's a text from the blonde saying his mum had "complained about all the banging." Told him to tell her it was the man who came round to sort his pipes out.


Deleted member 3657

Nothing strange has really ever happened at any of previous encounters. Unless you include getting dragged in to a hen do on a night out, ended up kissing with the hen then soon after by a slightly older woman. Only for the hen to return and exclaim "mum!!!, my turn now".


Water in the ear.. aka squirty stuff..
Mr F,s still deaf in one ear.


We met this amazing black guy.. Body from heaven.. Spoke with him on ******, video etc.. 6 ft.. Abs with spare abs..
Anyway we met him in a local bar and it was like looking through the wrong end of binoculars.. Tiny.. Perfectly formed but teeeeeeeeeeny... Action man was taller...

He had to stand on the stairs to talk to me I am 5.4.
We didn't take it any further..
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ok after coming out of my relationship I decided to search for a friend with benefits... We started chatting, getting to know each other... He asked what food I like I replied "Italian" what music "RnB" do I have a dog "yes" do I like water sports "yes, tried some on my birthday" do I drive "yes"
So off I went, things went well, very well! so eagerly driving back to his and the car journey was getting very intense. I pulled over at the first convenient stop! We jumped out the car and I sprawled over the bonnet where we were having amazing sex! He suddenly stops, takes off the condom and pisses all over me!!!!

I mean full blown empty the tank! I was covered and bloody horrified! Asking him what the hell!!! He looked at me worried saying I told him I like water sports!! Yes bloody surfing ect....

I'd never heard of this and was very shocked also stank of pee all the way home.

So I googled and found a site which informed me off this and hell Thats when Lexi was formed five years ago..... For the book, I'm not a fan of water sports! Xx
We are howling here :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I can laugh now but at the time I was shocked!

I had to drive home stinking and explain to both my teenage children why I smelled of pee!

To this day they believe I had a slight accident haha xx
I don't know which emoji to click on :eek:

Deleted member 3175

Before being married I remember getting hot and heavy with a nice young man in a club, we spent the evening teasing and he was practically bursting out of his trousers. Left town in a taxi, all over each other practically undressing in the taxi, got back to his flat, practically dry humping all the way to his bedroom only for the door to open and see a bedroom full of teenage mutant ninja turtle stuffed toys! When I say full I mean full alll the shelves, units and floor, he even had the bed spread!

I left quickly x
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15 September 2014
Before being married I remember getting hot and heavy with a nice young man in a club, we spent the evening teasing and he was practically bursting out of his trousers. Left town in a taxi, all over each other practically undressing in the taxi, got back to his flat, practically dry humping all the way to his bedroom only for the door to open and see a bedroom full of teenage mutant ninja turtle stuffed toys! When I say full I mean full alll the shelves, units and floor, he even had the bed spread!

I left quickly x
Can't help but laugh at that :rofl: :D x

Deleted member 3657

Before being married I remember getting hot and heavy with a nice young man in a club, we spent the evening teasing and he was practically bursting out of his trousers. Left town in a taxi, all over each other practically undressing in the taxi, got back to his flat, practically dry humping all the way to his bedroom only for the door to open and see a bedroom full of teenage mutant ninja turtle stuffed toys! When I say full I mean full alll the shelves, units and floor, he even had the bed spread!

I left quickly x
26 May 2017
Did u get to play with Michael Angelo Donatello Raphael and leonardo as well

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Unexpected, of course, doesn't mean unexpectedly bad.

While back, not long after I was first invited into swinging, I met someone for a social drink first. We'd chatted online and I was looking forward to the meet. I met her and she was lovely: funny, smart, great body and a laugh so dirty she could have bottled it and made a fortune. But... but... there was no 'click' there from her. Was having a nice evening, but there was no interest from her in taking it further.

So, I was enjoying the evening and the chat but anticipating a drive home alone. So be it, these things happen.

I go to get drinks, while she pops to the loo. When she comes back, we both sit at the table and she reaches under the table for my hand... and places damp something in it. "Those are my panties," she whispers. "I figured it'd be the only way for you to realise how much I want to fuck you right now."

She'd apparently been hinting from ten minutes into the meet and I'd... missed every signal.

Unexpected? Oh yes.