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What Do You Call It?



Rose has always unashamedly called hers 'cunt' - she's quite the feminist and really objects to the way people, and men mostly, use the name of a woman's most intimate bit as an insult. When she uses it during swinging her men like it and think she's speaking dirty, but she's just telling them what she wants. My (G's) ex was very vanilla but had always used the word too. Apart from Shakespeare, Rabbie Burns used it too in his poem "Nine inch will please a lady"

"But for a countrie cunt like mine,
In sooth we're nae sae gentle;
We'll tak' twa thumb-bread to the nine,
And that's a sons pintle".

Nine inches PLUS two thumb-breadths? Is that what he had under his kilt?

We played with a couple once and the woman talked about her 'front bottom' - no kidding!


Not tech savvy enough to put a link on here yet but if you Google the words "cant say cunt in Canada" & play the video I'm sure you will learn a few more names... lol..


9 & 2 thumb widths?!? Going by my thumbs (no comments please!) that makes about 11 inches!! The gurls in Scotland must be happy!
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