what is your most extreme fantasy? don't hold back!!!

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28 May 2015
Now, in fantasy I pretty much have no limits. Fantasy can't hurt you and I'd *never* engage in harmful, non-consenting sex. But I'll tell ya, for some reason I get off on the most extreme shit. Forced sex, torture, and esp. snuff. It gets me hard in a fucking instant and my site is based around these desires.

Why am I this way? I'm not sure. I don't "hate" women, I wasn't abused, I wasn't molested, and grew up in a "normal", loving family. I'm polite, hardly raise my voice, and always say "please" and "thank you".

But fuck, I am a freak on the inside. A fucking ANIMAL with no remorse and no morals who revels in the most extreme of depravity.

A very interesting duality that I've made peace with. :)


15 September 2014
Very interesting.. Of course, I know your site, read a bit there, we've spoken about things and I must admit; it's not for me.. Some of it I can understand and others I simply don't get.
But we are all different in what we like and don't like.

My most extreme fantasy? Definitely being completely restrained and teased - wound up in a marathon 12 hour session by 3 ladies. Whips, bondage, spikes :D, feathers, all while being completely restrained (no ball gags though yuk) spikes and then lots of teasing and did I mention spikes?

Also being naturally Dom in nature, I'd like to also be able to do that to Mrs A. Have her fully restrained for several hours and do all of the above. And more..... :sneaky:

I like pain, but not to the point where it becomes violent or draws blood etc.
Mrs A and I have a dynamic relationship and as I am Dom, she is what you may say, submissive.... I was asked to use my belt recently and that's where I draw the line, because if I start - Dom or not, control or not.. I don't know how far I would go. ;)
28 May 2015
I can dig it. I'm a natural switch, as is my g/f. We don't play very much anymore tho. But I appreciate this look into your more private areas. Thank you for the honesty. :)
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15 September 2014
I can dig it. I'm a natural switch, as is my g/f. We don't play very much anymore tho. But I appreciate this look into your more private areas. Thank you for the honesty. :)

Most welcome mate, and I kind of sussed you were a switch.. (y)
All good my friend :)
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22 March 2015
I see you like the extreme Vex and interesting
We love pain and have enjoyed flame play to staples but as far as my limbs are concerned I think I want to keep hold of them xxx
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18 July 2015
I love the bondage side of pain but Vex you are extreme considering you are a teddy bear really and a little cutie hehe xxxx:love:
28 May 2015
I see you like the extreme Vex and interesting
We love pain and have enjoyed flame play to staples but as far as my limbs are concerned I think I want to keep hold of them xxx
Yes of course. :) My fantasies mainly have to stay fantasy! lol I get off on bondage etc. tho, just not as much. hehehehe
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22 March 2015
Yes of course. :) My fantasies mainly have to stay fantasy! lol I get off on bondage etc. tho, just not as much. hehehehe
You can also switch which is something that I couldnt and it takes a hell of a lot of control..
Im a natural submissive and have no idea and want to take a dominating roll but I suppose you get the best of both worlds hehe xxx
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28 May 2015
You can also switch which is something that I couldnt and it takes a hell of a lot of control..
Im a natural submissive and have no idea and want to take a dominating roll but I suppose you get the best of both worlds hehe xxx
Yes indeed! It comes natural to me so I never really thought about it like that. :D


Hmmmm...this is an interesting thread, my 'curiosity' ? is piqued.
A question if I may?...just try to bear with as I try get it out.
Ok, here goes......first off @Vex respect buddy for admitting to some quite personal stuff.
How much would you (all who read this) reveal about your deepest darkest thoughts? Bearing in mind that the majority of us say we are not 'plastic', we don't conform to society and are proud of who we are.......what if, hypothetically speaking your inner most thoughts truly do not conform, to anything......
Would you risk potentially being ostracised from your peers.......hmmm not sure this makes sense now
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15 September 2014
I can tell you for a fact, 100% straight up that my good friend @Vex doesn't confirm or conform to society or the rules.
His mind and thought process is hugely intelligent, but dark. Darker than I have ever come across and he loves it lol :D
Ostracised? He's not and is proud of who he is. I consider him to be a good friend of mine and is actually a gentle giant. Even though his darkness is damned dark!

It depends on what you consider to be deepest darkest thoughts..


Gravy......I like it, will wait a wee bit, get my feet under the table first if you know what I mean.........I too 'accepted' this a while ago, no point in trying to define or even to phsyco analyis it
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15 September 2014
Agreed and if time is what's needed, then time is what it takes.
So far you have your slippers on, so now just a case of being sat down and having a brew, then putting your feet under the table!
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Just feels bit strange to reveal your inner most thoughts really, especially considering that it has taken a while to accept yourself for who you are....from birth we are brainwashed into being 'normal', but what is normal? I mean one persons normal is another's f*ckef up and in my case it took an event to 'open' ? My eyes......
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Loool what are you guys doing to me......shut up Q lol

This is a swinging site not a horror site lol
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