what is your most extreme fantasy? don't hold back!!!

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Sweet bud....appreciate it more than know

Lol hope I haven't scarred all the arm chair raiders away :unsure:
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15 September 2014
No not at all? I'm here, don't know who else is.. but you have no reason to worry about anything...
yes may be a swinging site, but we're open to all sorts of talks and discussions.!! ;) (y)
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28 May 2015
Hmmmm...this is an interesting thread, my 'curiosity' ? is piqued.
A question if I may?...just try to bear with as I try get it out.
Ok, here goes......first off @Vex respect buddy for admitting to some quite personal stuff.
How much would you (all who read this) reveal about your deepest darkest thoughts? Bearing in mind that the majority of us say we are not 'plastic', we don't conform to society and are proud of who we are.......what if, hypothetically speaking your inner most thoughts truly do not conform, to anything......
Would you risk potentially being ostracised from your peers.......hmmm not sure this makes sense now
It is true that I can't discuss certain things in the "open" without ridicule or hatred. I've actually had my life threatened and told I'd "never have a girlfriend" and that "no girl would ever like me" and that I'm a sick, woman hating, "torture murderer".

1. I'd never hurt a fly. I write STORIES, let's say it together: "stories", NOT real, 100% fake, fantasy. Geez.
2. Most of my friends are chicks and I've had an awesome g/f for almost 10 years.
3. If you are so upset by what I write or what's on my site, DON'T FUCKING LOOK AT IT.

I'm not raging at anyone in particular, it's just a very touchy subject and I've been unfairly judged my whole fucking life on stuff that's just fucking fantasy. My site is the one and ONLY place I can speak my mind and express my fantasies without being judged, cause everyone there is like me.

To further answer: Only my brother (whom I'm closest with in my family) knows the extent of what I dabble in. But not even he fully understands how extreme I really am. My parents and family are straight arrows. Can't even say "crap" or "shit" around my nieces cause it's a 'bad word". :(

Like I said in my original post, I'm fully at peace with myself and have accepted it and I am no longer bothered by any internal struggle of "light vs dark" because it's all the same!


15 September 2014
It is true that I can't discuss certain things in the "open" without ridicule or hatred. I've actually had my life threatened and told I'd "never have a girlfriend" and that "no girl would ever like me" and that I'm a sick, woman hating, "torture murderer".

1. I'd never hurt a fly. I write STORIES, let's say it together: "stories", NOT real, 100% fake, fantasy. Geez.
2. Most of my friends are chicks and I've had an awesome g/f for almost 10 years.
3. If you are so upset by what I write or what's on my site, DON'T FUCKING LOOK AT IT.

I'm not raging at anyone in particular, it's just a very touchy subject and I've been unfairly judged my whole fucking life on stuff that's just fucking fantasy. My site is the one and ONLY place I can speak my mind and express my fantasies without being judged, cause everyone there is like me.

To further answer: Only my brother (whom I'm closest with in my family) knows the extent of what I dabble in. But not even he fully understands how extreme I really am. My parents and family are straight arrows. Can't even say "crap" or "shit" around my nieces cause it's a 'bad word". :(

Like I said in my original post, I'm fully at peace with myself and have accepted it and I am no longer bothered by any internal struggle of "light vs dark" because it's all the same!

And that's why I have so much respect for you my friend. (y) :)
28 May 2015
Just feels bit strange to reveal your inner most thoughts really, especially considering that it has taken a while to accept yourself for who you are....from birth we are brainwashed into being 'normal', but what is normal? I mean one persons normal is another's f*ckef up and in my case it took an event to 'open' ? My eyes......
Yes agreed! Well spoken! :D


15 September 2014
Vex!!! Mate we have a member who you may find interesting to chat with :D
@zebo - self confessed cannibal :p


15 September 2014
Aye I most certainly did Mr Zebo... I feel you and my good friend @Vex may share very similar tastes.. Don't know, but perhaps.. (y)


@Admin ooh sounds intriguing, i shall have to peruse his profile :)
@riccarda yes quite true, but i have perfected electrifying it now, so behave or i will let your mistress know how its done
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Anyway getting this thread back on track i use to have very extreme fantasies but over the years these have become exactly that fantasies i do still have some rather extreme ideas about what i would like Mistress to do to me but that is not appropriate for a sub a sub simple does aa it's told
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Mine/ours are certainly evolving, my penchant for ladies.. Has certainly developed from threesomes, along perhaps a darker side, I have found I can and do switch depending on who,s company I'm in. I have been sub to females in the past, usually when they come equipt, with a strappon, including putting a show on in a club, for an audience, in the dungeon with a lady, strap on and swing.. I thourghly enjoyed, whipping a TV who whimpered and cried for more and sat chained by my feet all evening power? Perhaps?.. Switch.. I can be extremely sensual.. And attentive..and gentle.
With Mr F I am both. BDSM fasinates me. Needleplay, wax, etc does nothing for me as of yet?! Fascinating though too non the less.
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I started reading this thread from the beginning, i am very lucky in the respect that my partner and i usually share the same fantasies, and for the most part we carry them out with the main emphasis on safety, but we do some extreme play, as @riccarda will attest too, so most of my fantasies are fulfilled ( but not all LOL ).
I did see that @Lace has a thing for staples, i would upload a photo for her, but it might scare everyone :)
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28 May 2015
I started reading this thread from the beginning, i am very lucky in the respect that my partner and i usually share the same fantasies, and for the most part we carry them out with the main emphasis on safety, but we do some extreme play, as @riccarda will attest too, so most of my fantasies are fulfilled ( but not all LOL ).
I did see that @Lace has a thing for staples, i would upload a photo for her, but it might scare everyone :)
LOL Some of the stuff on my site might scare YOU! :D