Morning folks, hope you’ve all had your weetabix
Ok getting back to this..

Yes you know me, not to beat about the bush! Well maybe on some occasion
So firstly and most importantly for us both is the site name, when we started this, we wanted to create something that was the complete opposite of drab mingers (and yes, drab and mingers is what it is) after spending years on there. We love the scene but we loved making friends and socialising but that site just couldn’t give us what we were looking for, yes we made friends but we just never felt the site was a fun place to be and lack of security played hugely on our minds, especially everything being so public.
So Social Swingers began and we still do feel it was the best thing we've ever done but going back to the name.. Social!
If I were to take you guys back 5 years then you wouldn't recognise the place, being social is what it was all about, fun was the name of the game and the swingers that were on the same wave length as us had a damn good time here, now you’re thinking what’s changed?
Sadly not us.
What’s changed is the scene and people which I've tried emphasising in other threads.
Swingers five years ago are not the same now and that’s down to simply and sadly, no understanding fully on how it works and basic etiquette, yes it’s true, also swinging back then was still very much underground, due to other places, dating apps and press it’s been ruined. Long gone are the days of pampas grass and keys in a bowl.
Swinging isn't dating or looking to date or looking for love, swinging isn't about being unfaithful with meets and I mean meets not personal circumstances, yes it happens, swinging isn't about “fancy a shag tonight”
Going back again to this site.
Social is in the name and swingers we are but if this isn't you then jog on and this is why..
We only want social people here and if you want any tips on being social online then it’s simple, interact or acknowledge.
Negativity is breeding and it’s all down to a select few but others are following suit.
If you look below you will all see what we see, who has viewed the thread, now you may not like the thread and have no intention of replying in it, fair enough.. Is it fair though to ignore it? What is the problem in acknowledging it with a like. Let’s be honest do you think as staff we would allow a thread to stay if it were in extreme poor taste?
We delete regularly for your protection.
By a simply like on a post or thread you are not only being social but creating content and as the boss says, content is king. That simple alert to someone shows interaction.
We have sat back for a little while and watched, watched our once fun and honest site turn into a place that isn't what we thought would ever become,
The same people interacting but only with each other, god forbid a new person tries to get involved, remember what we created and remember we wanted a site that is social for swingers.
So for us personally, people who are ignorant and rude, we will not interact with you and I say ignorant because there are many that are.
If people want to view our threads and our posts especially pic of the day where we choose to add our personal photos and they simply view and walk by then you should choose a site that isn’t socially interactive
I have mentioned before, if someone tries to chat to you in public, maybe at an event, would you look at them and say nothing?
Would we meet people personally or at an event that chooses to ignore us here online? Hell no.
Our pet hate is pure ignorance and bad manners.
Oh and to all the haters that want to argue that they have the choice or right to like or not, ask yourself this, if you are a swinger and enjoy being social online then there is your answer.
One last thing, we get plonkas join daily, some are banned before they get through the door, some we give the benefit of the doubt, I had a message Tuesday morning off a young man, you may have seen on my profile, the message read,
“Hi gorgeous, nice legs, I would love to get to know you better so can you give me your number so we can ******”
We as a couple exchange numbers with who ever we meet, yet we have never chatted apart from the odd message here and there and still only do so here, how can we keep activity here when people get dragged away?
You may say that’s what most do! If we were a big site then it can take it but we are small so the damage will hit us sadly, if a newbie joins and goes straight into messaging offering numbers then what chance to we have eh?
So when it’s gone..
It will be gone sadly because it’s not the socially fun place we created, we are still the fun social swingers we were when we started and we will carry on to be with or with out the site, just remember folks we started this for personal fun as we couldn't cope with other sites.
We provide you with a platform For you, we give you the opportunity to meet people, if it wasn't for this site you wouldn't have the group of friends you have.
As staff we moderate daily and put up with crap from people that you have no idea about but we do it to supply you all with a safe haven, all we ask in return is activity.
If you don’t want to be a social swinger then when it’s gone all you’ll have is the group of friends you have.
As owners and human beings we will focus on people who enjoy what we offer and nothing less. As for the future of the site, remember folks it’s you who make or break it and we can’t carry it. You have the tools to create content and show interaction, don’t wait for us to do it. If you want to be a part of this then you can run the show without us.
Our advertising when we first started was
Social swinging, a site designed for swingers by swingers..
A welcoming community!
We still go by that motto and will carry on to do so but you guys are the ones that need to understand being unsociable isn't going to help this site evolve.
I hope I've given a little insight into what we are about and what we tried to achieve here.
Lots of love
Admin and me
