Ok we got into swinging through me...
I likes girls best way to meet them, short of.. private ads
We have evolved, are evolving..I am an exhibistionist/extrovert.. he is not..
The social side is a massive bonus.
We have met a lot socially, and a fair few sexually.. going back 7yrs..
Those we have played with, have all remained freinds, and we are still in touch with. I have a large circle of girlie freinds.. its not unheard of for us all to meet for a drink and a social.. every few months..
I likes girls best way to meet them, short of.. private ads

We have evolved, are evolving..I am an exhibistionist/extrovert.. he is not..
The social side is a massive bonus.
We have met a lot socially, and a fair few sexually.. going back 7yrs..
Those we have played with, have all remained freinds, and we are still in touch with. I have a large circle of girlie freinds.. its not unheard of for us all to meet for a drink and a social.. every few months..