Hmmmm Well this is a hot bed !! Ok it's simple as I see things. This is a Swinging Site, We are on here for one reason, that been, to have sexual fun, and yes in making a decision to move forward, the genitalia of a person will maybe play a part in that decision process, That said, within the spirit of the site, the Aims of Social Swinging as a site is to promote friendship as well as been a facility to have fun, and we all should really be concentrating on the personality, the looks, the charm, the parts and the areas that set a person in your mind as been special, and worth going to the next stage with. After all, if the person does not meet these criteria, nothing usually moves forward anyway.
So whilst these avatars are maybe an essential part of the process, they are not the main part, So I would say by all means have as many genitalia shots as you like, but introduce yourself with a picture of you not your genitalia, let people have the CHOICE of seeing another person's getalia, by choosing to look in the persons media, rather than forced upon them, from the first greeting !!
Regards as always,