Slimming World And Why We Do It? (other Slimming Organisations Are Available ;))

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Deleted member 3175

Jeez where do I even start with this one ....

I have tried every single weight loss organisation and diet going - you name it I tried it

Cambridge diet
Curves .... fabulous highly recommend
Chemical diet
Cabbage diet .... I know I know I can hear the comments

I've always was a short curvy busty girl even at my fitest

I get usually comments
Pretty girl shame bout the figure
Oh you carry your weight well
You name it I've had it even - oh I need to cross fuck a fat gal off my fucket list

I've lost weight put it on etc. Etc
Long story short im probably one biggest girls about - a whole long story how I've got to this point ... the only thing I'd say to that is never presume to why people , it's not necessarily about being lazy

Definitely on a mission to loose weight , so I'm interested to hear who is using what

Yip all the fears the girls the girls have spoken to , I can totally relate

I've exchanged a few pms with @AutumnH ... she gave me a wonderful honest frank advice n spoke openly about her experience going to a club
Highly recommend talking to her

But yes big small tall short fat slim ....are we ever 100% happy .

Whoop whoop and hats off to those who have kept it off

Good luck to those who are still in their journey

I hear ya I'm a big girl and have never been smaller than an 18 in my entire life! I tried slimfast and lost 2 1/2 stone put it back on for pregnant put 4 stone on lost that and am now the same weight that I was years ago.

I use a cycle (in the bedroom) twice a week and go to pole class once a week. I'm overweight but healthy (I think!).

And to be truly honest I just do not have the will power to diet.

I'm kinda happy with my figure but always have that if only I could loose a stone or two.

That's one of my reasons for being nervous meeting new people (even though I know all you guys are great).

I suppose a good kick up the arse would get me started, one day I will.



I'm kinda happy with my figure but always have that if only I could loose a stone or two.

That's one of my reasons for being nervous meeting new people (even though I know all you guys are great).

And so you should be, you look fabulous! Don't let nerves stop you meeting new folks - the more you meet the more compliments you will receive and the happier you will feel... (n)
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Deleted member 3175

And so you should be, you look fabulous! Don't let nerves stop you meeting new folks - the more you meet the more compliments you will receive and the happier you will feel... (n)

Thanks Hun xxx

@cinnamon_giggles i agree but think it's a confidence issue when I meet new people, but think you must want to really want to loose it to stay on track and I salute and have the upMost respect for people who have, are and are stilling doing it xxx


Dohhhhh not sure what happened there- technophobe moment

Ahhhhhhh jaysus I forgot the awful shakes !!! Yip tried that as well

Will power , what's that's ????
Lets me down in lots of ways not just dieting

Totally relate UHC bout concerns but Mrs ....your gorgeous , a kick in the arse you kidding me !!! I sure there's a long line who will happily slap your Arse for you

In all seriousness I know it's how the individual feels
7 January 2017
I've mentioned before that I've always been big. Like everyone else, I've tried WW, SW, cabbage diet, soup diet, slim-fast, diet pills the works.

I found that slimming world works for me, I lose loads of weight but I tend to find that I get sick of eating, and you have to remortgage your house to buy a load of fruit every couple of days. I used to go to group, but then I felt like I was an in an episode of Little Britain:

"Welcome Fatties"

The SW rep just seemed so fake and patronising to me, and I got to the point where I didn't want to spend £5 a week on standing on a set of scales for 30secs when my own scales would tell me the same thing for free.

I do like slimming world, I like that I cook from scratch and enjoy my meals but when I get hungry, I get hungry now. Not in 45mins when my shepherd's pie is cooked, I need something to eat now. And I have one hand in the biscuit tin, whilst the other hand was stirring the saucepan.

At the moment, I'm being more mindful of what I eat. I listen to what my body is telling me and it lets me know when it wants fruit or veg and not crap. I'm also going kickboxing once a week, and I find that's really helping with me keeping fit. A fat fit person, but I find that my joints are a lot more supple, I look forward to going and I feel that I've had a workout.

As for visiting a club - - have a read of that. I've written my first time at a club and it's true when I say, the skinny, perfect body, size 10 people are in the minority. At a club, everyone is treated equally, there are people of all shapes, sizes and lengths and nobody, but nobody in a club bats an eye or stares at someone because of their size.

I have come to accept my size and shape purely because I was in a club with other people who were smaller and larger than me, wearing less clothes than me. I've said it once and I'll say it again: the best thing you can do for your own personal issues with body image or self-esteem, is to go to a swingers club. If you need a little hand-holding, come to the Chams meet in June!
7 January 2017
I like going to SW group because everyone is nice and it keeps me honest... BUT it is full of lies. Some of the stuff the leader spouts as fact just isn't backed up by science. I find that infuriating but i bite my tongue. What was she saying the other day, oh that working out, building up muscle couldn't make you put on weight... Of course it can, muscle weighs more than fat, people that work out a lot often see a rise in the number on the scales. Of course if you are burning lots of fat and putting on a bit if muscle then you will lose weight but not if you get really serious about it. The poor girl she was saying this too was getting really disheartened and I thought it was so sad that rather than telling her that it is not about your weight, and a strong, toned body may weigh more but will be smaller she just lied to her. I suggested to the girl that she get a tape measure and track progress that way.... I am the group rebel

That poor girl. I'm the same, if I disagree with what Marjorie Dawes (she knows damn well I call her that!) is saying I won't keep quiet about it! Weight Loss businesses make tonnes of money and it's not fair, ethical or morally justifiable that they downright lie to people.

If they can't back up what they're saying, they have no right to say anything at all. Yeah...Marjorie Dawes started to get annoyed with me in the end :cautious:
7 January 2017
The whole thing they do where they say that what is on the scales is a direct reflection of the previous week's efforts, and then you are given a clean slate when you step off the scales - nonsense! I tried arguing with her once and to no avail, now if someone has worked really hard over the week and seen no results, and she's told them they must have done something wrong I pull them to one side afterwards and say that weight can fluctuate wildly through the day, and from day to day. .. That it doesn't mean they've done anything wrong and if they looked at a rolling weight loss graph over time they would see progress. I reckon i've stopped a few people giving up that way- they get so demoralised because the scales rarely reflect their behaviour. It isn't fair to be told you must be doing something wrong if it doesn't show on the scales at that moment. I maintained for 2 weeks then lost 4lbs in one week... According to her that was me doing something wrong then something really right... Crazy

I know, right! Marjorie accused me of cheating or not 'behaving' when I put on 5lbs in one week! Truth of the matter is, I started my period two days before and weight certainly fluctuates during that time. I never went back.


18 July 2015
Ok so slam me down here, I have never believed in diets. No such thing, these slimming worlds are just out there to prey on the vulnerable and promise you the perfect figure which doesn't exist as you know, once you put the name weight watchers or cambridge on the packaging the price goes up.
Healthy living is key and in moderation, why do you need someone telling you not to eat the chocolate at £2 a pop when you know yourself, I have been a size 10-12 all my life up until 2 years ago and that was down to being ill and changing jobs, do I worry? No way, It's a case of leave the cheese and crisps alone and stick with healthy everyday meals, good cuts of meat, fresh veggies and lay off the snacks in between.
I get plenty of exercise :whistle:, this keeps that ass from falling on the floor.
Everything in moderation, plenty of water and remember a treat night (y)(y)


18 July 2015
You are totally right... But I tried to do it by myself and couldn't. SW seemed to me to be the closest plan out there to making sensible choices yourself, well the closest one where I could go to a group anyway...SW is deeply flawed but it seems to be the best of a bad bunch x
Why can't you eat healthy though? x
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18 July 2015
Would you stick your hand in a fire? No you know it will burn, same thing as reaching for chocolate, say no or you'll add extra pounds.. No such thing as diet and once you stop these fads, the weight will go back on x
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18 July 2015
Well, sometimes

It isn't exactly the same as sticking your hand in a fire though, that is immediately dangerous and painful... Having wine, and some baguette after work because you're stressed and haven't developed better coping mechanisms, and then doing the same the next day etc etc isn't immediately painful, and makes you feel better briefly, and releases dopamine - especially if you binge.
I emotionally eat, and yes I do need to develop better ways to deal with stress but that is a long term thing. To help get my weight under control in the shorter term I am doing something that helps me stay on track. I don't think there is anything wrong with getting some help if it is a struggle on your own. I do see what you mean but it is very difficult to do weight loss the way you suggest if confort eating has become your main coping mechanism.
It all comes down to will power and saying no, I couldn't justify paying for someone to tell me what to eat when I'm not stupid. Waste my time on going to these so called clubs and before you know it your life is wrapped up in weighing, checking whats free and completely controlling your life when it's so simple to eat three good meals per day, life is too short as it is and I want to enjoy it, you are who you are and shouldn't worry about what you should eat and let it take over.
Plenty of support here and if you need that then we are here when you feel you need it, don't pay someone for that, which from what Ive seen never work. xx


18 July 2015
I would ask that you respect my decision to do what works for me. I appreciate that you care and don't want me to be a victim of the diet industry but...

I know the science, I know the logic, I have fervently tried and failed at the willpower and saying no method. There are a lot of issues going on that make it difficult for me; I don't want to discuss them here but will do so with you privately at some point if you like.

Thank you for caring, and thank you for the offer of support. I really do appreciate it xxx
Of course I do and you know my box is always open ;);)x


Ok so slam me down here, I have never believed in diets. No such thing, these slimming worlds are just out there to prey on the vulnerable and promise you the perfect figure which doesn't exist as you know, once you put the name weight watchers or cambridge on the packaging the price goes up.
Healthy living is key and in moderation, why do you need someone telling you not to eat the chocolate at £2 a pop when you know yourself, I have been a size 10-12 all my life up until 2 years ago and that was down to being ill and changing jobs, do I worry? No way, It's a case of leave the cheese and crisps alone and stick with healthy everyday meals, good cuts of meat, fresh veggies and lay off the snacks in between.
I get plenty of exercise :whistle:, this keeps that ass from falling on the floor.
Everything in moderation, plenty of water and remember a treat night (y)(y)

Well can I just say - with the greatest respect that it as not as simple as that - god how I wish it was

If you have never ever struggled with weight issues it's very difficult to understand

Most of us know that everything you have said is right however putting them into practice is a very different kettle of fish.

Every single one of us have a relationship with food -some of us healthy some of us unhealthy , some who have amazing will power and some don't .Some who have been educated and some not

In principle everything you've said is easy n in reality it's very different

For some it's health related and no amount of healthy eating will stop the pounds being added

You're offer of support is fantastic and I know will some will take you up on it - can't say I've ever seen such a supportive n caring community of people

If you never struggled yourself (and I not saying you haven't)
It is so hard to understand the deep emotional impact carrying extra weight can cause
Again it's about the individuals perception, I have a friend who is a size 10 who feels she struggles with her weight

I don't like groups and clubs
But for some it drives them intially , there's also a support mechanism where people feel they are not the only one in that situation

All my own feeling and certainly not trying to be disrespectful to anyone


18 July 2015
Well can I just say - with the greatest respect that it as not as simple as that - god how I wish it was

If you have never ever struggled with weight issues it's very difficult to understand

Most of us know that everything you have said is right however putting them into practice is a very different kettle of fish.

Every single one of us have a relationship with food -some of us healthy some of us unhealthy , some who have amazing will power and some don't .Some who have been educated and some not

In principle everything you've said is easy n in reality it's very different

For some it's health related and no amount of healthy eating will stop the pounds being added

You're offer of support is fantastic and I know will some will take you up on it - can't say I've ever seen such a supportive n caring community of people

If you never struggled yourself (and I not saying you haven't)
It is so hard to understand the deep emotional impact carrying extra weight can cause
Again it's about the individuals perception, I have a friend who is a size 10 who feels she struggles with her weight

I don't like groups and clubs
But for some it drives them intially , there's also a support mechanism where people feel they are not the only one in that situation

All my own feeling and certainly not trying to be disrespectful to anyone
yes I have had issues and know all to well personally that these places do not work, when you realise for yourself that there is more to life than worrying about it, that's the first hurdle, yes I treat but now I can say no to ten packs of crisps and two blocks of cheese, once you program yourself then the rest fits into place.
I stick with what Ive said no amount of slimming clubs will ever work, you have to do it for you and you only. xx


18 July 2015
I had a friend who was 45 stone, she had no control over eating and begged the NHS for a gastric band, they did and she went down to 12 stone. Now still with the band weighs 25 stone and creeping up, no matter what course you take unless you have the strengh within, nothing will work, sadly xx
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I had a friend who was 45 stone, she had no control over eating and begged the NHS for a gastric band, they did and she went down to 12 stone. Now still with the band weighs 25 stone and creeping up, no matter what course you take unless you have the strengh within, nothing will work, sadly xx

I agree with that Pearls it had to come from within totally and persons needs to find the strength

What's fascinating me is how some can and can't and what drives people

But again where else do these frank open conversations happen in safe supportive way

Hats off to those for creating that space and to the support support service provided


Well I clanged through the 14st barrier recently, I'm Diabetic and have been insulin dependent for a few years. Me feet hurt when I walk more than a mile due to mild Neuropothy which is horrible as I love walking.
I took the decision, after talking to friend, to try the low blood sugar/low carb style diet. I've already dropped the amount of Insulin I have to take in the evening, but not yet dropped a dress size (only kidding honest!). I'll let you know whever it works! Tx


18 July 2015
Think it's time for the SS Big Girls support group to be formed, you girls all have the same messages just in different words, but whatever you decide to do do it for YOU

love you all xx
Big girls....