I don't know if this makes me feel special. If I get taken out for a treat by a close friend or lover then that is lovely, but I feel uncomfortable if a man pays for everything in a date/ meet scenario. Makes me feel a little like I am being paid for.
Of course this isn't set in stone. If I have travelled to see them for example, i.e. if I have already spent money as part of the 'date' that they have not had too then I would feel a lot more comfortable with them paying for things once I get there.
If I spend a lot on my appearance then that is really for me, rather than them so I don't consider that as part of the financial equation. Of course it really does depend on the situation and how well I know them. If I am broke and they have made it clear that they are treating me with no expectation then that can be nice.
If they have travelled a long way, or paid for a load of things then I would always try to pay for some other things to even it out - I would feel uncomfortable to not do so. It's the way I was brought up I think, blame my mother