What The "no -nos" To Swinging

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Call me old fashioned, gentlemen, but if you're going to have a meet with a lady, do offer to pay for drinks, food, club entrance fees etc. Yes it's modern times, but she's probably spent a lot more than you on her dress/underwear/makeup/perfume. And plus, it makes her feel special.


I don't know if this makes me feel special. If I get taken out for a treat by a close friend or lover then that is lovely, but I feel uncomfortable if a man pays for everything in a date/ meet scenario. Makes me feel a little like I am being paid for.
Of course this isn't set in stone. If I have travelled to see them for example, i.e. if I have already spent money as part of the 'date' that they have not had too then I would feel a lot more comfortable with them paying for things once I get there.
If I spend a lot on my appearance then that is really for me, rather than them so I don't consider that as part of the financial equation. Of course it really does depend on the situation and how well I know them. If I am broke and they have made it clear that they are treating me with no expectation then that can be nice.
If they have travelled a long way, or paid for a load of things then I would always try to pay for some other things to even it out - I would feel uncomfortable to not do so. It's the way I was brought up I think, blame my mother :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yes Miss G
I feel like yourself ,
Yes it's lovely to be taken out and treated ! However I do squirm and get really uncomfortable because I hate the idea of being "bought"

As for paying for my appearance this is something I would do without a thought of the scenario

Yes like you ma mammy always taught me to stand in my own two feet , independent
However I'm learning not every One is trying to "buy" your affections


Haha...you remind me of one of my close friends. He always paid for everything, not just for women on dates but for all women friends. He was generous and had been taught that this is what he should do - that this meant he was a gentleman. He used to insist on paying for things for me frequently; at first I used to argue with him about it but it hurt his feelings if I turned his generosity down. Knowing that his intentions were honourable, and as I didn't want to hurt his feelings I let him pay :)

Very well summarised Miss G
That is Stew !!!


9 November 2015
Call me old fashioned, gentlemen, but if you're going to have a meet with a lady, do offer to pay for drinks, food, club entrance fees etc. Yes it's modern times, but she's probably spent a lot more than you on her dress/underwear/makeup/perfume. And plus, it makes her feel special.
Sometimes when you offer to buy a lady a drink at the bar she says no thank you I'll get my own ;)
But being of a certain age that I am , I do like to offer even if refused .... :)