Hello Sexy Peeps,
Well it's about time we added this and there's enough kinksters out there for us to do so.
Long awaited and I will admit I was nagged to do this, but dragged my heels due to workload - but this forum is all about BDSM, fetish and the lifestyle.
Feel free to add content and discuss anything about the lifestyle.
I have always maintained and tried to encourage the fact that the two lifestyles can crossover and meet.
Granted the far ends of the spectrums don't meet and never will, but the lower ends of the spectrum do meet and we genuinely believe it should be promoted more.
So for all you swinging kinksters out there - or as I phrase it; Swinkies & Swinksters - this is for you.
Usual forum rules apply please.
Well it's about time we added this and there's enough kinksters out there for us to do so.
Long awaited and I will admit I was nagged to do this, but dragged my heels due to workload - but this forum is all about BDSM, fetish and the lifestyle.
Feel free to add content and discuss anything about the lifestyle.
I have always maintained and tried to encourage the fact that the two lifestyles can crossover and meet.
Granted the far ends of the spectrums don't meet and never will, but the lower ends of the spectrum do meet and we genuinely believe it should be promoted more.
So for all you swinging kinksters out there - or as I phrase it; Swinkies & Swinksters - this is for you.
Usual forum rules apply please.