Do You Like People Being Rude To You ?

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18 July 2015
I admit i sometimes just like or find a post a winner but usually at work so am having a cheeky quick check on the site ,
Have given up posting a good morning post as it usually gets ignored
I'm the same I have hundreds of posts here now to get through but I try and rate them all and reply if I can, no excuse to be ignored though, just a like will do.. Would people ignore a hello in the street?
19 March 2015
I admit i sometimes just like or find a post a winner but usually at work so am having a cheeky quick check on the site ,
Have given up posting a good morning post as it usually gets ignored
Admittedly, it’s usually only one or two who also say good morning to us too and apparently we also have many ‘friends’ here too so...
*shrugs* x


18 July 2015
Then you get the people who follow your posts around the site but don't even like one of them, again they follow me so I ask myself why follow me around, very rude in my opinion.. Amazing how many have viewed this thread for example!
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11 August 2015
Now let's go to photo's, I upload a photo of me in day's of the week, it gets a lot of attention with plenty of ratings and comment's, now God forbid my husband and I pop a couples photo up!! It may get one or two likes. How very rude when we are a COUPLE. We are not the only one's either and this has been mentioned by other couples.

Odd isn't it how you can be treated differently depending on what you post. I have noticed this type of thing but I always put that down to my SG profile also being a moderators account. I expect to be tarred with the SG brush but it is strange then that the couples account, which is our personal account, gets treated differently.


18 July 2015
Odd isn't it how you can be treated differently depending on what you post. I have noticed this type of thing but I always put that down to my SG profile also being a moderators account. I expect to be tarred with the SG brush but it is strange then that the couples account, which is our personal account, gets treated differently.
It's selective but I just can't understand why people would ignore certain photos in the same thread yet acknowledge others, it's bad manners, if you don't like the person then don't follow them or block and move on.


18 July 2015
It's selective but I just can't understand why people would ignore certain photos in the same thread yet acknowledge others, it's bad manners, if you don't like the person then don't follow them or block and move on.
Something else too, I just went through new profile posts, a very charming new gentleman wrote a message on a couple's profile, they didn't even like it yet alone say hello back, yet viewed his profile to show interest.

I best come out of this thread :eek:
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11 August 2015
Something else too, I just went through new profile posts, a very charming new gentleman wrote a message on a couple's profile, they didn't even like it yet alone say hello back, yet viewed his profile to show interest.

I best come out of this thread :eek:

Exactly that type of thing, I know how SG's can be ignored and I also know how SF's are seen although for both not anywhere near as much on here as on other sites. It's been quite an eye opener since I've been with @Miss-Sexy-Legs. Practically polar opposites, one ignored, the other, people expect her to rip her knickers off for their convience and yet as couple we are treated differently again.
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18 July 2015
Exactly that type of thing, I know how SG's can be ignored and I also know how SF's are seen although for both not anywhere near as much on here as on other sites. It's been quite an eye opener since I've been with @Miss-Sexy-Legs. Practically polar opposites, one ignored, the other, people expect her to rip her knickers off for their convience and yet as couple we are treated differently again.
I understand on the minger sites it's the norm to ignore, that's the class of people and down to fakes and idiots, we know from being there, but here there is simply no excuse to show bad manners and ignore someone even if you have never spoken before, what chance do people have. It's the same for us and our couples account, we get ignored, shocking
10 July 2018
I see people being rude to me every day here, I see people here treated the same way (I take it we are talking about being rude on line) as in real life people would never behave the same way, especially with our friends.

So going by the assumption that we are talking about rudeness on line then here are my thoughts...

Ok so Joe Bloggs messages, "fancy meeting me Friday night?" I've never spoken to Joe before or met him, he hasn't even said hello or introduced himself yet wants to meet me! Bad manners or rudeness? You decide.

I do a status, I get many so called people that I have met and believe we get on yet can't even click a button to like it, let alone say something.. Very rude!

I write on someone's wall asking how things are! Again people I know, yet not even a like! Very bad manners in my eyes and if I get no acknowledgement then I delete it now.

I reply in a thread, certain people scroll through the thread yet only acknowledge one or two people's posts, yet they follow me and vice versa so they obviously want to interact, I bet there are a few of you that have the same thought's.

Now let's go to photo's, I upload a photo of me in day's of the week, it gets a lot of attention with plenty of ratings and comment's, now God forbid my husband and I pop a couples photo up!! It may get one or two likes. How very rude when we are a COUPLE. We are not the only one's either and this has been mentioned by other couples.

It takes nothing to acknowledge a post from anyone, what get's me is some ignore people they have chosen to follow and vice versa, let's not even go there with new members, they don't stand a chance!

So no I dislike people with bad manners and rudeness, there is simply no need for it when we are talking about less than a second to click a button.
I kind of get what you mean, but if comments become ‘obligatory’ (effectively obligatory, I mean) doesn’t that cast some doubt upon the genuine nature of them?

They become ‘form’ responses, shurely? I’ll admit that I don’t comment on every pic I see. And I don’t see every pic. If I see a pic that is lovely, or impressive, or that I just really really like, I’ll say something. Otherwise, generally, not.

Because if good manners imply comments, then I might point everyone to the three shots I have up and the dearth of complimentary comments on them :)

I don’t take lack of comments as lack of anything other than either sight or interest.


18 July 2015
I kind of get what you mean, but if comments become ‘obligatory’ (effectively obligatory, I mean) doesn’t that cast some doubt upon the genuine nature of them?

They become ‘form’ responses, shurely? I’ll admit that I don’t comment on every pic I see. And I don’t see every pic. If I see a pic that is lovely, or impressive, or that I just really really like, I’ll say something. Otherwise, generally, not.

Because if good manners imply comments, then I might point everyone to the three shots I have up and the dearth of complimentary comments on them :)

I don’t take lack of comments as lack of anything other than either sight or interest.
Ok to briefly illustrate, I upload a photo in DOTW of me, it gets loads of attention, we upload a photo of us both and it may get one like, this is purely one example. It's plain rude
10 July 2018
Ok to briefly illustrate, I upload a photo in DOTW of me, it gets loads of attention, we upload a photo of us both and it may get one like, this is purely one example. It's plain rude
As I said, I understand what you mean, kind of; I just can’t see that it’s any ruder, or greater bad manners, than not commenting on either, or even commenting on the latter couples shot but not the former.

Again, same as I don’t see it as rude that ‘hotter’ people get more attention than less hot people, or women get more attention - in general -than fellas.

I’m genuinely sorry if you feel I’ve been rude - there’s every possibility I’ve complimented a pic of you on your own but not a pic of the pair of you - but there’s been no intention to be.
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18 July 2015
As I said, I understand what you mean, kind of; I just can’t see that it’s any ruder, or greater bad manners, than not commenting on either, or even commenting on the latter couples shot but not the former.

Again, same as I don’t see it as rude that ‘hotter’ people get more attention than less hot people, or women get more attention - in general -than fellas.

I’m genuinely sorry if you feel I’ve been rude - there’s every possibility I’ve complimented a pic of you on your own but not a pic of the pair of you - but there’s been no intention to be.
First it’s not about attention. This is not about us but an observation on others. I maybe old fashioned and expect manners when people make an effort. If you don’t want to interact then fine but don’t have double standards. Some people here follow all my posts and pics. They never like them yet follow me. Bad manners or creepy. Make your own mind up.
10 July 2018
don’t have double standards
Maybe that’s it, precisely.

I don’t have double standards, I hope. I neither expect my posts nor pics to be ‘liked’. Of course I like it if someone genuinely likes it enough or finds something funny enough to indicate it, but would dislike it intensely someone ‘liking’ a post merely because they feel obliged to, that they ‘have to’ because it’s rude not to. That would take away - for me - the genuine nature of the ‘like’ or ‘winner’ or ‘funny’ tag.

As for ‘interaction’, that’s what I thought this is, the to and fro of conversation, the occasional cut and thrust of debate, and the exchanging of messages.

Again, I do sometimes like a pic, or comment on it. But no, I don’t like every pic or comment on every pic or every reply.
19 March 2015
Maybe that’s it, precisely.

I don’t have double standards, I hope. I neither expect my posts nor pics to be ‘liked’. Of course I like it if someone genuinely likes it enough or finds something funny enough to indicate it, but would dislike it intensely someone ‘liking’ a post merely because they feel obliged to, that they ‘have to’ because it’s rude not to. That would take away - for me - the genuine nature of the ‘like’ or ‘winner’ or ‘funny’ tag.

As for ‘interaction’, that’s what I thought this is, the to and fro of conversation, the occasional cut and thrust of debate, and the exchanging of messages.

Again, I do sometimes like a pic, or comment on it. But no, I don’t like every pic or comment on every pic or every reply.
I certainly don’t think it is about liking every pic, or liking every comment or in fact liking or rating any thing at any given time. But what I would say the last few posts are more aimed at, is our observations of what specifically happens to others (not necessarily ourselves personally).
We are able to sit back and see what can happen to others and we do see that people often get left out and often get ignored by others. Usually for no reason. Very many times we will see the same thing happen where the same people will ignore the same people yet respond to the same people.
Or even respond to only one side of a couple yet ignore the other.
It’s a shame really.
Call it a clique or cliquiness if you will. Yes you will get it in all walks of life and all that jazz but it’s something that shouldn’t be happening on here; ignoring some while responding to others on the same levels. That does fall under the category of being simply rude/ignorant.
Doesn’t take a lot to just show some basic pleasantaries. Not really.
10 July 2018
Doesn’t take a lot to just show some basic pleasantaries. Not really.
On that we’re definitely agreed; I’ll usually welcome people to the site, and then if someone posts something that interests me, or amuses me, or a post in a thread in which I’m interested, it’ll certainly be what they’ve posted rather than who’s posted it that I’ll be responding to.

As for pics, which is where you started on this, we differ on that, and I suspect neither of us are going to change our minds on what good manners requires… and what it doesn’t.


18 July 2015
If people follow someone then they are obviously interested in their profile, so when they get an alert that a follower has updated a status, they then view that profile, why not like the status or comment... You view the profile to have a nose at it so why be ignorant :rolleyes:
10 July 2018
If people follow someone then they are obviously interested in their profile, so when they get an alert that a follower has updated a status, they then view that profile, why not like the status or comment... You view the profile to have a nose at it so why be ignorant :rolleyes:
Again, I suspect this is just a fundamental difference in how we see it.

You ask ‘why not…?’, the assumption being ‘there must be something wrong if you don’t ‘like’ it or comment’

I genuinely don’t see it that way at all.

If it’s something I actually do actively like, then I’ll ‘like’ it. If I’ve got something to say, I’ll say it. But I really don’t see that I’m obliged to, via good manners, or nosiness, or anything else.

If anything, I think liking, or commenting on , every status someone posts is the very ‘creepy’ you were seeking to avoid.


18 July 2015
Again, I suspect this is just a fundamental difference in how we see it.

You ask ‘why not…?’, the assumption being ‘there must be something wrong if you don’t ‘like’ it or comment’

I genuinely don’t see it that way at all.

If it’s something I actually do actively like, then I’ll ‘like’ it. If I’ve got something to say, I’ll say it. But I really don’t see that I’m obliged to, via good manners, or nosiness, or anything else.

If anything, I think liking, or commenting on , every status someone posts is the very ‘creepy’ you were seeking to avoid.
Perhaps we see things differently, I'm just one of those people that like everyones posts and if I get an alert that someone has done a status, I wouldn't dream of ignoring it, even if it's just a like. if no one liked anything then what is the point.. Like I said we see things different. Or maybe I'm old fashioned and stuck in my ways.. I won't be changing either and will like peoples posts just to show acknowledgement