Thank you. Indeed this is it, it’s about worth isn’t it. As you say; is it an addition or subtraction to ones life. If it’s a no, then walk away and be done with it.That is highly commendable of you and in a similar situation I would have done the same! In fact, I have on numerous occasions, turn the other cheek and all that! It’s the way I was brought up.
Preserving a 20 year friendship is more important than one indiscretion & once again, i also would have been the better man & buried the hatchet so to speak.
I guess the question has to be asked, do I want this person in my life? Do they add or subtract to my life? Are they a friend, a true friend or just someone I tolerate because it’s the polite thing to do!
If the answer is No to those questions then walk away! After all we are all different and it would be a boring place if we were all the same! Let bygones be bygones.
Having said all that & no prizes for guessing who I’m referring towards, for reasons known only to themselves, they took a dislike to me, have repeatedly criticised me and what I do constantly, yet! they’ve played the victim card over and over again!
With that type of person there is no reasoning with them! & with respect, I no longer have the patience or energy to deal with them anymore!
I had to walk in, sit down (this was like 10am or so) say pour us a whisky and let’s chat. Best foot forward and yes turn the other cheek. We’re obviously on the same page and been brought up correctly. ?
As for the rest, yes I know. My post wasn’t directed at that really more a case of a generalisation. But indeed sometimes it’s a necessity and that’s that. It is what it is.