Funny Sex Bloopers

  • Thread starter Scrunchy&Muffet
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So I'm sure we've all had something go horribly wrong during sex that made you laugh so much you thought you might wee. Cmon don't be shy...tell Auntie Di xx

Our was me and Mr M just about to get jiggy. Mr M reached for the lube and proceeded to lube up the foo foo. I start thinking hmmmmm this feels a bit warm... which quickly went to shit my foo foo is on fire. He'd only gone and lubed me up with ibuleve gel. Once he'd stopped laughing he helped me, little swine. I do not recommend anti inflammatory gel on ones foo foo. Xxxx
in my defence i hadn't got my glasses on at the time but i have to admit i couldn't stop laughing. Mr Muffet
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17 December 2015
Better than burning hahahahaha. Yes you Mr M you were virtually rollover G around the floor while I had my ass up in the air waving it around trying to cool it down. Xxxx

well now you know ... IF he ever makes the same mistake again ... tell him to cover your foofoo in toothpaste!! :D:D:D:D Oh I AM a helpful bloke!! :D
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18 July 2015
i was at a party and a guy decided he,d like an impromto bj from me with a mouth full of neat whiskey he screamed i spat it everywhere laughing while he danced about rubbing his cock safe to say he veered clear of me after that
:rofl::rofl:Hahaha brilliant xxx
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