Having grown up in Swansea, with a mum from Birkenhead (and regular visits to family there) and a step-dad from Essex - which is where my Swansea-born dad moved to and where I now live with my Cockney wife (
do keep up), I've picked up all sorts of phrases and sayings.
I still use Welsh-isms such as "it's all uphill down here", "who tied that dog loose?" and, of course "Tidy" (meaning great/good/nice/satisfactory) but I often use Birkonian/Scouse comments (especially when watching the footy) such as "Go 'ead, lad" "Auld get" and "yer can fook right off". Due to my current location, I'm constantly telling people to "leave it ahht!" and to "shaat ap!". However, I'm most proud that Lisa has picked up some things from me too, particularly that she says "mun" at the end of a sentence!
I absolutely love accents and colloquialisms and I've even got a few favourite jokes that depend on accents/local phrases. Unfortunately, these don't work very well in print