I meet when it’s possible but my experience ever since I started this has always been hit and miss sometimes one or two come along then nothing for ages ...
this year has started ok has had its disappointments but has now fizzled out to nothing which is how it generally goes ...
I hope any friends you've made over these years, don't look at this and think about anything you've done together, in a bad or negative way.
There's one or two that have been made quite public, who've just gone. I hope it's nothing too serious as to why they don't come back.
This is by far means no reflection on yourself, but a question as to why some simply disappear - never to be seen again.
I don't quite get it either.
positive attitude and resilience to enjoy swinging.
Works as a couple too. More in fact if I'm honest.... Even more so as couples take a bigger step in allowing someone into their marriage. It's much harder than what you may think.
Fact is, we all get bummed out and let down, disappointed and such.. you just have to smile & carry on. If, if this is what you want anyway.
It's fun, but when the fun stops and all that jazz.
In our opinion, it's a case of be happy, treat those as you'd like to be treated yourself (regardless of sex, race, gender et al) and just be who we are.
Whatever will happen, is meant to have happened. What didn't - was meant to not have.