Bareback? Thoughts on it and why/why not?

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18 July 2015
Interesting @Sloughslut and I just wanted to bring up a good point that you have mentioned about smoking, as you say its disgusting but as a smoker only harming yourself...
Taking that chance bareback just once could transmit disease and then pass it on and before you know it you have spread that to 100 before you have been checked..
Really good points but dont think you can compare smoking to this, maybe before the bans come in and passive smoking yes, for now though its self harm as I can see..xx


15 September 2014
Unbiased but do agree to be fair.
Smoking is choice to harm yourself and by doing so, you're not directly risking spreading cancer or smoking related diseases - passive smoking to one side.
Whereas bareback is directly placing your partner(s) and loved ones, directly at risk.
Can anyone who carries out sex, with continuous multiple partners, say that for a fact 100% they've never had a disease and passed it on?
Highly unlikely. Very very unlikely...

So a good point has been raised here. ;)

PS you may know of more smokers who've died of smoking, but I bet you know a LOT more who've suffered STI's/STD's in comparison.. o_O
27 April 2015
Following on from the topic, as said earlier, we do go bareback but with established couples we know only, any single guys we ever meet, are safe sex only, we will never alter on that, we assume a long term couple have enough respect for their committed partner to risk passing things over and thus causing major problems in a relationship, and yes we also are aware as you all are, that oral sex poses as big a risk as penetrative, we all leak juices when turned on, and its those secretions that contain the infection !!! But we have yet to meet someone that does not do that unprotected !!!, And to top it all Mrs,A Team smokes, so I guess we personally should just jump of the cliff now lol. Yes its all about choices, but those choices can be risk controlled to an extent that gives life an edge that we all here seek, or if not, we are all so on the wrong website, I think www. Needlecraft weekly is taking members lol xxx


18 July 2015
I see that you feel you can trust couples and choose to go unprotected but a good point that @Sloughslut said is that the amount of men from a couple relationship going for the single lady, I wouldnt trust anyone apart from my husband and for me it would be a game of russian roulette like @meet_the_fockers said, never take the chance because one day you will get stung, Its not worth the risk.. As for smoking yes time to jump off the cliff I think @The-A-Team :D:Dxx


15 September 2014
Smoking, I detest people who smoke in their homes around children. Sorry if that offends anyone reading, but all you're doing is abusing your children and risking their lives.
And that is from a smoker!!

Playing devils advocate here..

As for smoking over safe sex, I can't quite see the comparison because you are the one inhaling toxins into your body and chemicals into the lungs, passive smoking perhaps but you have to basically live with that smoker or work in a smoke filled room environment for YEARS to become ill from it. Having sex with multiple people male or female who also swing with others' - without protection, is just living on borrowed time (I don't mean necessarily death, I mean before something happens) even if *only* a UTI from sex with an infected partner, it is still an STI.

Anyone who does bb; how do you really know the person you're playing with is clean?
Hasn't lied just to be able to have fun?
There's no knowing at all... You can't be sure of anything.

This is always a hot topic, will always be a hot topic and you have pro and against in the lifestyle. Will always have it.
Some people like safe swinging, others like to gamble their chances.

The only certainties in life are; tax & death. Anything inbetween is a bonus ;)

@The-A-Team ;
any single guys we ever meet, are safe sex only, we will never alter on that,
I'm intrigued old bean, does the same apply to single females?
;) :D

Off the cliff we goooooo
ready, 1....2...... jump!
27 April 2015
I'm intrigued old bean, does the same apply to single females?
yes, absolutely, if we are with them for the very first time and don't know them properly, but that's the thing with us, we won't just swing for the sake of swinging, we become friends first and foremost, and base our decisions sexually and risk wise on that friendship, and each on an individual basis, we see couples now that we use protection with, just due to the lifestyle they lead alone, as said each swing has a risk, if unprotected, it's not something we push, and are very very happy with protection, but where practical and within the right partner environment we are happy for that risk, yes we know people can lie, it's not just swinging that this happens in, and all of us take action on what and the way we hear things, but for us personally, it's more sensual, less inhibitive, and spontaneity happens, which for us means better orgasms !!! each to their own x


15 September 2014
yes, absolutely, if we are with them for the very first time and don't know them properly, but that's the thing with us, we won't just swing for the sake of swinging, we become friends first and foremost, and base our decisions sexually and risk wise on that friendship, and each on an individual basis, we see couples now that we use protection with, just due to the lifestyle they lead alone, as said each swing has a risk, if unprotected, it's not something we push, and are very very happy with protection, but where practical and within the right partner environment we are happy for that risk, yes we know people can lie, it's not just swinging that this happens in, and all of us take action on what and the way we hear things, but for us personally, it's more sensual, less inhibitive, and spontaneity happens, which for us means better orgasms !!! each to their own x

I know this, and that's very well put (y) :)
The first 3 lines make absolute perfect sense... :p
19 March 2015
Because having unprotected sex is so taboo there are many people that will not publicly admit to doing it, especially single (minded) males, if they did they would cut their chances of meeting many couples. I also get approached by many men that are advertising as a safe sex couple yet want to meet me without their partner.

Sarah x x x

Absolutely indeed!!
Puh, men portraying to be a couple is a whopper, so much of that about!


Certainly feels much better. You just have to find trusted people i guess And even Then You never know. I love bb but line i said earlier only with trusted people. Haven't done it in a while. I am a single male currently. Looking for that awesome partner though. Anyway many people lie about going bb. Once again i get tested regularly and would prefer my partner getter also. The thing that i know goes on in Europe though are theses creampie gangbangs. What about those? Are they organized and is everyone tested? They have them in the usa also. I never have been to one though


Pleased to see this interesting and informative thread, is still running. Some very sane and honest posts - cannot imagine this happening in Another Place.
The Mantra should be - Safe(r) Sex Always - but I can see the logic in relaxing this, with people you have known for some time, while recognising the increased risk.
A further interesting twist is Oral. Who uses protection, for this..? The risks are lower, but still exist. What does the Team think....?

I from I&L xx


18 July 2015
Pleased to see this interesting and informative thread, is still running. Some very sane and honest posts - cannot imagine this happening in Another Place.
The Mantra should be - Safe(r) Sex Always - but I can see the logic in relaxing this, with people you have known for some time, while recognising the increased risk.
A further interesting twist is Oral. Who uses protection, for this..? The risks are lower, but still exist. What does the Team think....?

I from I&L xx
Yes agree that this is a continued thread which has given some interesting comments, as for oral I admit to not using protection in this field which is silly really as the risks are still quite high :love:xx
27 April 2015
Pleased to see this interesting and informative thread, is still running. Some very sane and honest posts - cannot imagine this happening in Another Place.
The Mantra should be - Safe(r) Sex Always - but I can see the logic in relaxing this, with people you have known for some time, while recognising the increased risk.
A further interesting twist is Oral. Who uses protection, for this..? The risks are lower, but still exist. What does the Team think....?

I from I&L xx
From what we have read and understood, The risks are just the same, with oral as with full penetration, the infections are carried in the fluids that escape from the body, be them pre release or full emissions, and should those be swallowed they will form part of the food chain reaction that is absorbed and will ultimately reinfect or if you have any mouth ulcers or cuts or even slight bleeding gums when you teeth clean, this is an additional entry point direct into YOUR system don't forget these infections are both female and Male based and we all when oral is performed emit fluids no mater how small they may be, So yes a further interesting point, and indeed as many have said will no doubt go on for a long time, been disscussed. We as have Said earlier do have checks done roughly monthly, and all tests for everything are available to buy over the counter or by mail from the likes of Amazon and are not expensive. We personally use this method. And should anything test positive we would then go to the docs for confirmation and any treatment, to press we have encountered No issues, but we are fully aware the issues are there, hence the regular regime we personally follow.
Most full couples in our experience who are in a committed relationship would and do act in a very sensible and responsible way, so as not to cause risks for their partner or loved one, yes we know sex is a selfish playmate that often rules the head but ultimately, the decision is with the 2 people on the day, and whilst protected sex is the most safest method often it is forgotton in the heat of passion, and in our minds personally, should any doubts be there at all through foreplay or other means, the heat of passion would Not have even reached first base. The A Team xx


Despite what the SUN newspaper reports, ie the rise in swinging has led directly to an 80% rise in STI's, swingers are the lowest risk category group for any disease.....why??? Because 99.9% of players reach for a condom without even thinking about it. The highest risk factor group are 15-23 year olds. I believe the reason for this is the biggest category age ways in swinging is the 35-50 year olds and we are the age group that grew up with the rise of AIDS and the subsequent publicity. Whether we took notice of it or not consciously is another matter, but somewhere deep in our minds we all have the adverts for MATES and DUREX and the frightening images of what could happen if you don't skin up!! These were on at peak viewing times and in every magazine you picked the rare durex advert that you see says nothing about risk, just that if you use our lube skanky cocks and rancid fannies will taste of sun ripened strawberries or alike.
So back to the question of bare back or not.......
twice ive played without, once with the guy that is now my husband who I met in a swingers club, and once with a coupe we played with for 3 years before that happened and we knew they never played bare back and vice versus. Im afraid for me it is a no no, my life is fraught with enough risk without playing Russian roulette with my sexual health