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Erm the way i see it..
Its uneccesary.. its barbaric..
Its uncalled for and very old fashioned..
As regards to cleanliness bullshit... i dont need to chop my lips off, to be clean!! Seriously..
Some people have deep religious veiws.. and chop bits of their childs anatomy off.. really??! Just why!??
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18 July 2015
Erm the way i see it..
Its uneccesary.. its barbaric..
Its uncalled for and very old fashioned..
As regards to cleanliness bullshit... i dont need to chop my lips off, to be clean!! Seriously..
Some people have deep religious veiws.. and chop bits of their childs anatomy of.. really??! Just why!??
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9 November 2015
Sorry hun but not appropriate when members here are being called minions, I shall leave the thread to get back on track, Thanks :)xx a serious subject having the old boy loped but a bit of fun breaks things up ...I have been called much worse than a minion !
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18 July 2015
121,141 a serious subject having the old boy loped but a bit of fun breaks things up ...I have been called much worse than a minion !
Yea I agree hun, people can still keep to the thread but no harm in making it fun :Dx
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12 January 2016
And as you say, back on track..... (found a use for it!)

I'm not intending to imply that, for instance in the case of frost bight or gangrene, a toe shouldn't be removed from time to time. Far from it, there can be perfectly sensible reasons. What I find an absolute disgrace is that a large, democratic, supposedly secular nation (U.S.A. if you haven't got it) does it willy-nilly to all its newborns as a matter of course, and even in the states where it is 'elective' its the default option, (you have to tell the surgeon specifically not to, or it just happens at birth) and its the parents, not the child, that decide anyway.

Its basically the same as what happens to girls in some parts of Africa, its just done in hospital, to infants who can't complain, and with government approval.

To cap it all the underlying reason is lunatic religious fundamentalism, and the desire to 'eliminate the sin of Onan' in teenagers. Result; a whole nation of high school boys deprived of relief from a teen's main obsession. No wonder they turn to firearms!

Let's stop dignifying it with that old medical euphemism 'circumcision' and call it what it is; 'Male Genital Mutilation.'