Eu....stay Or Go?

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18 July 2015
With the poster above, that makes me not want to vote. I then think we've manged ok in the EU so far, why change? Then I think of other countries wanting to join EU and millions wanting to come here when we're running out of room.
This is it, we are bursting at the seams here, its getting crazy xx
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Deleted member 1402

We vote for our MEPs in the same way we vote for our MPs. If we use the arguments above as 'indisputable facts', then we have to apply them to the UK parliament too.
I didn't vote last month, didn't get any info through, so who am I to know who has got the village I live in, in their "best interests"
I'll not be voting this month either at this rate.:confused:
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Deleted member 1402

Serious question though... where is the evidence that this is going to happen?
Well in my borough, they are takin up green spaces to build as many new houses as possible and that's not including the vast amounts of land bought off the coal board. There are flats in my street, with umpteen people living in them. Next door has 4 Kurdish guys and 5 Rmanian guys in a 2 bedroom flat. It's a popular theme in Privately rented accomodation around here. We are gonna end up with all sorts of diseases and stuff being spread! The litter/rubbish they produce is mind boggling, In fact, my local council were on BBC 1 a couple of months back on a 12 part series, which showed these issues and it's happening all throughout the country.
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Deleted member 1030

Well in my borough, they are takin up green spaces to build as many new houses as possible and that's not including the vast amounts of land bought off the coal board. There are flats in my street, with umpteen people living in them. Next door has 4 Kurdish guys and 5 Rmanian guys in a 2 bedroom flat. It's a popular theme in Privately rented accomodation around here. We are gonna end up with all sorts of diseases and stuff being spread! The litter/rubbish they produce is mind boggling, In fact, my local council were on BBC 1 a couple of months back on a 12 part series, which showed these issues and it's happening all throughout the country.
Yes... but is any of that related to our membership of the EU (surely the Kurds aren't there because of continued membership)?
Yes, overcrowding in private rented accommodation is a problem, but surely tighter controls are needed, rather than the deregulation we've seen over the past 30 or so years?
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Deleted member 1030

As for housing and building on green spaces, we desperately need more affordable housing in this country, immigration or no immigration.

Deleted member 1402

Yes... but is any of that related to our membership of the EU (surely the Kurds aren't there because of continued membership)?
Yes, overcrowding in private rented accommodation is a problem, but surely tighter controls are needed, rather than the deregulation we've seen over the past 30 or so years?
The Kurdish guys have been here years (10 of what I know of since being here), but what is there was another huge war over there again? Would we have to open up our borders for people in crisis?
I have said earlier, I have no issue with Britain accepting others into this country, I like that we are very multi-cultural, but having so many people cramped onto this tiny Island, it's not gonna cope. We'll be needing much bigger road networks, more of everything, yet everything is getting cut back. School class sizes were supposed to be going down to 25 pupils in each class, now it's like 35. That's just a couple of examples.
We are also an aging nation, we don't have enough rescources for pensioners. Then we have the disabled, but I don't wanna rant about that.
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Deleted member 1402

As for housing and building on green spaces, we desperately need more affordable housing in this country, immigration or no immigration.
But these houses are being built, I'm a medical priority and still cant get the bungalow or ground floor flat I need, again, aging population.
There are so many homeless people because nothing being done about the charges that landlords can get away with. A two bed terrace here is worth £50-70k, a person like myself can't get a mortgage and being charged £650pcm. Is it nothing to do with EU? Dunno, but why does our government not do anything?
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Deleted member 1030

The Kurdish guys have been here years (10 of what I know of since being here), but what is there was another huge war over there again? Would we have to open up our borders for people in crisis?
I have said earlier, I have no issue with Britain accepting others into this country, I like that we are very multi-cultural, but having so many people cramped onto this tiny Island, it's not gonna cope. We'll be needing much bigger road networks, more of everything, yet everything is getting cut back. School class sizes were supposed to be going down to 25 pupils in each class, now it's like 35. That's just a couple of examples.
We are also an aging nation, we don't have enough rescources for pensioners. Then we have the disabled, but I don't wanna rant about that.

I agree on a lot of those points (although, the cramped tiny island part.... I don't see many cramped bits in Chipping Norton etc. where the moneyed classes live, only where the likes of you and I are). Yes everything is getting cut back, our NHS is under intense strain, our schools are bursting at the seams, our pensioners are suffering and the disabled are, well, being shat on from a great height, quite frankly.... my argument, though, is that these things have very little, if anything, to do with the EU and much more to do with the people running our own country.

There are so many homeless people because nothing being done about the charges that landlords can get away with. A two bed terrace here is worth £50-70k, a person like myself can't get a mortgage and being charged £650pcm. Is it nothing to do with EU? Dunno, but why does our government not do anything?


Deleted member 1402

I agree on a lot of those points (although, the cramped tiny island part.... I don't see many cramped bits in Chipping Norton etc. where the moneyed classes live, only where the likes of you and I are). Yes everything is getting cut back, our NHS is under intense strain, our schools are bursting at the seams, our pensioners are suffering and the disabled are, well, being shat on from a great height, quite frankly.... my argument, though, is that these things have very little, if anything, to do with the EU and much more to do with the people running our own country.

yea, think I'm just doing a general rant, thread hijacking again!
But I'm wondering, are our Governments strings being pulled by Brussells, or are all Parties liars and incompetent on following through on their promises?
Think that's what my rants mean.

Deleted member 2978

let preface anything I say with "I am an American citizen living here in the UK because I am married to a sweet gorgeous British woman who said yes when I asked her to marry me. I can't vote as I won't give up my American rights or passport"

What I can't understand is how the UK allow all the other members of the EU to change laws and rights when it was you brits with help from others who stemmed the tide of Hitler and made those countries free. Look at the US, we have 50 states and each state basically has it's own taxes and its own infrastructure to maintain. There are many laws and rules that are country wide but just as many that pertain to a single states. We accept the the constitution is the sole document that gives power to the government along with the bill of rights and that state laws may pre-empt federal law if their penalty is greater than the Fed. A person has the right to object to a law and using due process can have the law reviewed and overturned if the courts agree. But even with all the individuality WE ARE ONE COUNTRY. The EU looks to me like it is trying to become the USA of Europe and failing miserably because no one wants a USA of Europe. Each member country is proud of it nationality and it origin and inmost cases its history(leaving Hitler and Mussolini out of that as well as a few other Tyrannts who ruled by fear). I know my wife was leaning towards IN but over the past few weeks has started leaning towards out based on little things she sees that are wrong and caused by the EU.

The EU needs to stop trying to be USA Europe and be an economic free trade giant that it was meant to be.

These are my views and I have no right to Vote in the UK, so you might take them with a grain of salt. ONE LAST THING
What ever you decide to do VOTE do not abdicate your right to be heard

Deleted member 1402

I don't often do debates, usualy avoid, but this EU stuff is giving me anxiety, I don't know which side to go for. :confused:
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Deleted member 1402

let preface anything I say with "I am an American citizen living here in the UK because I am married to a sweet gorgeous British woman who said yes when I asked her to marry me. I can't vote as I won't give up my American rights or passport"

What I can't understand is how the UK allow all the other members of the EU to change laws and rights when it was you brits with help from others who stemmed the tide of Hitler and made those countries free. Look at the US, we have 50 states and each state basically has it's own taxes and its own infrastructure to maintain. There are many laws and rules that are country wide but just as many that pertain to a single states. We accept the the constitution is the sole document that gives power to the government along with the bill of rights and that state laws may pre-empt federal law if their penalty is greater than the Fed. A person has the right to object to a law and using due process can have the law reviewed and overturned if the courts agree. But even with all the individuality WE ARE ONE COUNTRY. The EU looks to me like it is trying to become the USA of Europe and failing miserably because no one wants a USA of Europe. Each member country is proud of it nationality and it origin and inmost cases its history(leaving Hitler and Mussolini out of that as well as a few other Tyrannts who ruled by fear). I know my wife was leaning towards IN but over the past few weeks has started leaning towards out based on little things she sees that are wrong and caused by the EU.

The EU needs to stop trying to be USA Europe and be an economic free trade giant that it was meant to be.

These are my views and I have no right to Vote in the UK, so you might take them with a grain of salt. ONE LAST THING
What ever you decide to do VOTE do not abdicate your right to be heard
thanks for your input, a great perspective (y)
PS, can you not have a UK passport and your American one? My Aussie relatives have one Oz and One UK, dual nationality, or you wanna stick with just USA? Sorry, being nosy :oops:
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Deleted member 2978

Section 101 of the US Code deals with this. some one who has nationality other than US and becomes a US citizen doesn't lose their original citizenship. then from their it gets difficult:
A U.S. national may acquire foreign nationality by marriage, or a person naturalized as a U.S. national; may not lose the nationality of the country of birth. U.S. law does not mention dual nationality or require a person to choose one nationality or another. Also, a person who is automatically granted another nationality does not risk losing U.S. nationality. However, a person who acquires a foreign nationality by applying for it may lose U.S. nationality. In order to lose U.S. nationality, the law requires that the person must apply for the foreign nationality voluntarily, by free choice, and with the intention to give up U.S. nationality.

so they have to prove you did it voluntarily and with intent of giving up your US citizenship....

Deleted member 1402

Section 101 of the US Code deals with this. some one who has nationality other than US and becomes a US citizen doesn't lose their original citizenship. then from their it gets difficult:
A U.S. national may acquire foreign nationality by marriage, or a person naturalized as a U.S. national; may not lose the nationality of the country of birth. U.S. law does not mention dual nationality or require a person to choose one nationality or another. Also, a person who is automatically granted another nationality does not risk losing U.S. nationality. However, a person who acquires a foreign nationality by applying for it may lose U.S. nationality. In order to lose U.S. nationality, the law requires that the person must apply for the foreign nationality voluntarily, by free choice, and with the intention to give up U.S. nationality.

so they have to prove you did it voluntarily and with intent of giving up your US citizenship....
thanks for the info x
19 March 2015
Interesting article... I will also underline the major point here;

The UK will not be able to return to the negotiating table if it votes to leave the European Union, one of the EU's top officials has said.

Speaking on the eve of the referendum, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said the outcome would be final and "out is out".

And the UK would not get a better deal than the one already negotiated by Prime Minister David Cameron.

Leave supporter Boris Johnson called Mr Juncker an "unelected tin-pot figure".

The former mayor of London said the remarks showed Mr Cameron's belief that the UK could achieve further reform to immigration rules from within the EU were a "sham, snare and a delusion".

In less than 24 hours, UK voters will head to the polls to decide whether the country remains in the EU or leaves - a decision that the leaders of the EU's 27 other states have said will have profound consequences not only for the UK but for the future direction of the EU.

'Maximum deal'
Asked about the consequences of a Brexit vote, Mr Juncker made it clear there would be no scope for further negotiations over better terms to try to keep the UK on board.

"I have to add that the British policymakers and the British voters have to know there will be no kind of any renegotiation," he told reporters after talks with new Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern.

"We have concluded a deal with the prime minister, he got the maximum he could receive, we gave the maximum we could give.

"So there will be no kind of renegotiation, nor on the agreement we found in February, nor as far as any kind of treaty negotiations are concerned. Out is out.

His words were echoed by the French President, Francois Hollande, who said a decision by Britain to leave would be "irreversible".

Exactly, if the decision is the maximum resolution and offers have been reached, then we will clearly have NO control over mass immigration.
Immigration for this country is a good thing, we've always been diverse and multi-cultural.
Mass immigration however is not. Our nurses are already overstretched. Our GP's and hospitals are already overstretched.
We are overstretched now, what happens when the other countries planning on joining the EU get acceptance?

Countries trying to join the EU;
EU expansion: Which countries are waiting to JOIN?

Iceland decided against joining the EU last year after applying for membership in 2009.

Question to the remain;
You may not wish to vote leave tomorrow...... But in it's current state, would you wish to join the EU?

We're voting out tomorrow. Make yours count guys. Don't sit back and not bother voting.
Whatever way you're swayed, in/out - make sure you vote. This is so important....
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Deleted member 3411

Personally I don't like to get too involved in political debates as it causes so much tension and heat. The big trouble is at the end of the day we won't really get what we want regardless. As we have heard the government and opposition parties have stated all kinds of reasons why we should stay almost to the point of saying that leaving would cause pestilence and plague and bring about the end of days. Even if the nation vote to leave it's just a recommendation not a hard and fast decision. After all those same politicians will point all the reasons they said we should stay and say " For the reasons we stated earlier we're going to stay because it's in your own best interest and we know what's best". When you think about it if they believed for one moment we were going to vote to leave, with all the reasons we should stay stated by the government if they ever thought there was a risk of us leaving they would never have held the referendum.