Oh agreed, and political debates would usually not be allowed, but this obviously is quite an important debate and will help, hopefully, ViVi's @VoluptuousVixen decision on what to vote etcPersonally I don't like to get too involved in political debates as it causes so much tension and heat. The big trouble is at the end of the day we won't really get what we want regardless. As we have heard the government and opposition parties have stated all kinds of reasons why we should stay almost to the point of saying that leaving would cause pestilence and plague and bring about the end of days. Even if the nation vote to leave it's just a recommendation not a hard and fast decision. After all those same politicians will point all the reasons they said we should stay and say " For the reasons we stated earlier we're going to stay because it's in your own best interest and we know what's best". When you think about it if they believed for one moment we were going to vote to leave, with all the reasons we should stay stated by the government if they ever thought there was a risk of us leaving they would never have held the referendum.
If the debate had flamed and become ott with posts or vents, then it would have been locked etc. But thus far a decent debate has been held.

Anyway, people are too quick to forget... Abu Qatada deportation was blocked by the EU! This guy was filling mosques and streets with hatred. Allowed to hate preach and vile stuff too. Blocked by the EU.
Eventually he was removed, but they blocked his deportation.
Lee Rigby's killers sentences were delayed because of the EU. Our legal system and judges wanted to sentence them to life imprisonment after what they did..
it was delayed and delayed because the EU needed to decide whether we were allowed to issue a full life custodial sentence.
There's so many reasons to vote leave.. Sadly people also forget all the terrible things that have happened, and what the EU have done to prevent us from exercising our laws and rights to flex our laws against hardened criminals and religious fanatics, whom are not of this country...
They blocked us, our own Home Secretary - from deporting a hate preacher.
Just take two minutes to think about all of this.....
By unelected people running a rich man's club, who don't care about us and our laws, which have been running for hundreds of years.