Eu....stay Or Go?

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26 October 2018
Every MP that votes against Brexit should be fired immediately with no pension, the people spoke do your job, and get us the fudge out of rog !!

Deleted member 1030

Every MP that votes against Brexit should be fired immediately with no pension, the people spoke do your job, and get us the fudge out of rog !!
Seems a bit harsh. What about the MPs in majority 'remain' constituencies? Shouldn't they, theoretically, be serving the interests of the people that voted for them?
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26 October 2018
Seems a bit harsh. What about the MPs in majority 'remain' constituencies? Shouldn't they, theoretically, be serving the interests of the people that voted for them?

They should all be serving the will of the nation instead of being self serving hypocrites !!
Seems a bit harsh. What about the MPs in majority 'remain' constituencies? Shouldn't they, theoretically, be serving the interests of the people that voted for them?
24 February 2016
Out now, I saw a picture of a ww1 soldier who was saying,,, so in 100 years we hand over the UK with out a fight?
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1 September 2018
Yep out means out was a phrase thrown around months ago Which has now changed to out means in.
And I think I remember No Deal is better than a bad deal. Which has turned in to any deal especially a really bad deal is better than no deal.
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1 August 2015
North Walsham
When we joined they told us it was the best thing to do?
Buy diesel cars better for the environment they said (price of diesel rockets) now they tell us not to buy diesel cars?
how can the average person know what to vote when the government don't know them selves and only tell the public the bits they want to tell you. N
26 October 2018
When we joined they told us it was the best thing to do?
Buy diesel cars better for the environment they said (price of diesel rockets) now they tell us not to buy diesel cars?
how can the average person know what to vote when the government don't know them selves and only tell the public the bits they want to tell you. N
The blind leading the blind springs to mind !
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19 March 2015
So, who thinks Boris is doing a grand job of things so far?
Or is he just going to cause a mess for us in the UK?

:whistle: :D

Deleted member 9631

So, who thinks Boris is doing a grand job of things so far?
Or is he just going to cause a mess for us in the UK?

:whistle: :D
Ha Ha Ha, a good job my hairy wee arse!
Him and that Tory fucktard mogg are pure and sample in this for there own good, off shore company that he will be force to pay tax on if we stay in the EU. Hmmm wonder why mogg is so keen to leave?
Dirty Tory C**T.
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19 March 2015
Ha Ha Ha, a good job my hairy wee arse!
Him and that Tory fucktard mogg are pure and sample in this for there own good, off shore company that he will be force to pay tax on if we stay in the EU. Hmmm wonder why mogg is so keen to leave?
Dirty Tory C**T.
Leaver? Remainer? SNP? I can’t really remember..
26 October 2018
The mess already exists it’s just how deep we end up in it ! But yes let’s get the fudge out of Rog
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Deleted member 9631

The mess already exists it’s just how deep we end up in it ! But yes let’s get the fudge out of Rog
We are ball deep Stew and it all about filling the pockets of some greedy Tory tits. We the underclass will have to take it in the arse once more and watch them get richer while they tell us “yes, that single mother recovering from cancer is fit to work until she is 75”
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26 October 2018
We are ball deep Stew and it all about filling the pockets of some greedy Tory tits. We the underclass will have to take it in the arse once more and watch them get richer while they tell us “yes, that single mother recovering from cancer is fit to work until she is 75”
For once I agree with you !
We had some floor tiling done when we had the conservatory built ! The tiler was a one armed guy ! And he was brilliant ! I asked him why he was still working, his answer “ I’m not disabled enough to get benefits “ the system is fucked !!


0ersonally I think the time for individual nations is over, borders, country's and imaginary lines on a map just help propagate an "us and them" mentalilty. Thinking we're taking back control is strange to me, who would have control? Certainly not me, I wouldn't be deciding how much tax we pay or where its spent, it would still be someone else, and have you looked at the candidates to who that "control" would go to? Watch the commons or house of lords and try and not break your TV! Not one of them can answer a question with a straight answer.
I'll bet my left but in real terms the NHS won't see any significant funding increase from the supposed saving from leaving, they (all politicians) want it to fail so they can sell chunks off (remember the G4 debacle?) That's what hasn't already been sold off, we work in the health sector and I'd guess we only have half the "national" health service we think we have, that's what PCT's were introduced for!

Oops sorry, ranting, just remember, 7 years to train a doctor and there's a lot of empty spaces in med school right now, we need Europe far far more than it needs us and it holds all the cards
10 July 2018
0ersonally I think the time for individual nations is over, borders, country's and imaginary lines on a map just help propagate an "us and them" mentalilty.
On a slight tangent, the science pundit James Burke (people may remember him from his Connections tv series a few years back) is firmly of the opinion that the current concept of the nation state has under 100 years left, not due to politics, nor any ‘natural’ phenomena - disasters, etc - but solely down to his conviction that, in the next few decades, ‘3D makers’ will be available. Maybe not in my lifetime, but certainly in my kid’s. Commercially too expensive for most, at first… and then plans will be leaked onto the net and then everyone will have them. And once you’ve got one, it can make the next, and they make the next… this isn’t nanotechnology gone wild (the ‘grey sludge’ fear) but just reasonable extrapolation once you’ve got a machine that can make anything from… anything.

And once they’re available, every current political, electoral and economic model - which at the end of the day are merely different ways of allocating scare resources - goes out the window.

I’m not wholly convinced by the argument, but I tell you: I’ve not yet seen a conclusive argument against it.