I get all that but Neil or myself don't use FB that much i only use it for vaping groups and Neil does the same and he uses it very rarely and as for them apps i cottoned on to what they were getting at months and months back because it asks if you want to share it and i say no, Neil doesn't bother with the apps. I don't really bother posting on my profile as i got long ago that ppl on there were generally arse holes not everyone no but the majority. Went on this morning to see if anyone had posted the information in the OP thread and nothing just goes to show they are a bunch of brain dead idiots
Yeah you should be perfectly fine then. If you're not using specific apps and doing much rich content on there, or using it for say pro government stuff etc then it will be fine. What they will have access to (if they have your info) is things like DOB, email, geolocale and things like that. Nothing can come of that though in reality.

What the biggest issues here are, not only targeted misinformation but also I.D theft/fraud, opportunities for smear campaigns, I.D data harvesting, possibilities for blackmail/extortion and things like fake news etc.
All in all, it's really not good news for heavy users. It's also not good news for anyone who works online.
Most if not all sites will harvest data to a degree and use analytics to provide key things/subject matter/ads. But this is on a scale which can be devastating in the right hands - for instance, let's say for example that Russia hacked CA... imagine what they could do with all of that analytical data!