Friday Night Chats - Guess The Member

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15 September 2014
Okay Sexy Peeps..
As some of you will know by now, @Pearls and I are sadly unable to make the FoF. So this means we will be around - if you are, on here tomorrow night.
Are you guys up for Guess the Member again? Where we edit/crop and adjust members images (volunteered) and you guess who it is?
Anyone up for that? Last minute I know, but I am sure I can get enough pics to do it again?
Let us know if you are up for this please okay?
Thanks all :) x
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Reactions: Pearls and Therapon

No longer with us

Okay Sexy Peeps..
As some of you will know by now, @Pearls and I are sadly unable to make the FoF. So this means we will be around - if you are, on here tomorrow night.
Are you guys up for Guess the Member again? Where we edit/crop and adjust members images (volunteered) and you guess who it is?
Anyone up for that? Last minute I know, but I am sure I can get enough pics to do it again?
Let us know if you are up for this please okay?
Thanks all :) x
Please feel free to use our pics Boss xxx


15 September 2014


So guys read admins post above , Friday night fun in cockwell inn

Join the fun guess the member - ( body parts ) queen Perv is away @Her_him69 - who will take her title

Good excuse to wander round the members and have a perv... I mean peek , purely for research purposes

Send admin a pic or two if you want or equally he can borrow from your media

Drinks will flow
Lots of craic n banter

@Jamboreene @Stuart_69 @fincon @BoltonBiFemCpl @Beds_Bi @Baldricknkaz @louise1970 @nightowl30 @Lexi @snakehips @Happycampers @Lovernotfighter @SuperKing1981 @SteLinda @Linda @MP386 @UKM45 @johndoc01 @Terryg @Kwaka_Rider @Flymo @SexyS @Ambrosial @DiamondJoe
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