Thanks Sammy, if people want to have pics used, mention it here and we can go hunting, it's great when the pic owner doesn't actually know their own photoSo guys read admins post above , Friday night fun in cockwell inn
Join the fun guess the member - ( body parts ) queen Perv is away @Her_him69 - who will take her title
Good excuse to wander round the members and have a perv... I mean peek , purely for research purposes
Send admin a pic or two if you want or equally he can borrow from your media
Drinks will flow
Lots of craic n banter
@Jamboreene @Stuart_69 @fincon @BoltonBiFemCpl @Beds_Bi @Baldricknkaz @louise1970 @nightowl30 @Lexi @snakehips @Happycampers @Lovernotfighter @SuperKing1981 @SteLinda @Linda @MP386 @UKM45 @johndoc01 @Terryg @Kwaka_Rider @Flymo @SexyS @Ambrosial @DiamondJoe