Here goes... Coronavirus.

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19 March 2015
So some weird news...
I work for various companies here & there, and some in particular today, have been sent emails from Google = asking what we're going to do about speaking to our customers, about Coronavirus and what protection(s)/limitations we have in place and procedures etc.. basically asking us to update clients with our "this is what we're doing.."

I'm still tied up and to be fair it's been a very,. very busy week, but have just read some of my personal emails and I have several sat here, from CEO's and Execs from big companies, telling me how they're managing damage limitation from COV-19... basically the same content that Google only a few hours ago, were asking me for on the behalf of peeps I work for.

Deleted member 16044

I was reading the precautions and same day the company I went to an interview for sent me message about governments procedures. I sent them one of my finds and said its nothing to worry about. Which it's not in my research and findings
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18 July 2015
BBC news to quarantine over 70s for up to four months.
Is anyone in self isolation yet?

I see some clubs are shutting. Hats off to @jaydees for thinking of people not money. All clubs should be following to prevent the spread. This whole situation is a lot worse than what we are being told so stay safe folks ??

Deleted member 16044

BBC news to quarantine over 70s for up to four months.
Is anyone in self isolation yet?

I see some clubs are shutting. Hats off to @jaydees for thinking of people not money. All clubs should be following to prevent the spread. This whole situation is a lot worse than what we are being told so stay safe folks ??
Right, some clubs don't give a sizzle about infections and bodily fluids and think a spray is adequate for deep cleaning. Shame on them it's profit over people for many clubs.

Deleted member 16044

BBC news to quarantine over 70s for up to four months.
Is anyone in self isolation yet?

I see some clubs are shutting. Hats off to @jaydees for thinking of people not money. All clubs should be following to prevent the spread. This whole situation is a lot worse than what we are being told so stay safe folks ??
Its a precaution
Most elderly have flu jabs don't they.
It will soon subside
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