how long have you used the internet?

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15 September 2014
Our first office network back in the early 90's involved him, my OH, throwing a floppy disk across the room at me.

My first bad experience of computers involved HIM deleting all the data and ME spending 3 days re entering it all

Sarah x x x
haha Sarah, I don't know whether to laugh or empathise with you... :D x


15 September 2014
Or cassettes even!! Commodore 64 with tiny games on cassette.. Speed loaders and speed games, accumulation of loads of games all on one tape.
I can't remember what they were called though. You had the speed loader, but what were the games called?
Speed games? Hmm
5 July 2016
Wtf are you all on about on this thread? :rofl:

We understand very little of most of the tech talk.

We were both online on home computers around about 1998. Dial up Internet Eeeeeooooiiiiiiiiooooooeee

Oh and The Matrix 1 was the best, it went downhill from there :p



Oh lol dial up bloody hell blast from past

I've been on the internet pretty much the same as BNK

I was using chatrooms before the were popular

I meet Somone on line and a long term relationship developed ......Oh the shame n scandal that it was ... so frowned ....Thank god it's changed times

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I remember the exact day I got online: 20th August 1995. (Long story)

Went online via compuserve at first; discovered, well went looking for and found, their adult forums a few years later.
5 July 2016
Oh lol dial up bloody hell blast from past

I've been on the internet pretty much the same as BNK

I was using chatrooms before the were popular

I meet Somone on line and a long term relationship developed ......Oh the shame n scandal that it was ... so frowned ....Thank god it's changed times

We remember the MSN chat rooms or yahoo chat. Are they still alive?

I Baldrick also met a girl through a dating site. It was something to do with writing your own questionnaire/quiz. Bizarre but it resulted in a 6 year relationship between us. However it did end with her maxing out my credit cards and emptying my bank account and leaving me twenty grand in debt!
Ah well swings and roundabouts I suppose o_O

5 July 2016
Blasphemy!! Matrix Reloaded was one of the greatest action movies of all time! Possibly the best sequel ever made, next to Aliens of course. :)
The Matrix is one of the greatest films of all times. I found the sequel left a lot to be desired. It's ok.
It's really funny when Neo fights 100 Agent Smiths and you can see his rubber pole bending :rofl:.

I hope you can at least agree that Revolutions was awful :whistle:. Some of the Animatrix films are quite good though.

Agreed Aliens is a good sequel. Other good sequels:-
The Lord Of The Rings The Two Towers.
The Empire Strikes Back
Spider-Man 2 (Tobey Maguire) :D.

B x


About 3 years now...
Only got to grips with the basics about 18months ago

Stephen has been using it forever due to working in the financial sector..
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28 May 2015
The Matrix is one of the greatest films of all times. I found the sequel left a lot to be desired. It's ok.
It's really funny when Neo fights 100 Agent Smiths and you can see his rubber pole bending :rofl:.

I hope you can at least agree that Revolutions was awful :whistle:. Some of the Animatrix films are quite good though.

Agreed Aliens is a good sequel. Other good sequels:-
The Lord Of The Rings The Two Towers.
The Empire Strikes Back
Spider-Man 2 (Tobey Maguire) :D.

B x
You forgot Terminator 2. :) Yes the bending "metal" bar was awesome. hehe And the clearly computer generated animation. But honestly, I much prefered Reloaded over the first one. More action, more background story, etc. Revolutions was badass as well!

As a whole, the Matrix Trilogy rocks IMO. I own the "Ultimate Matrix Trilogy" on Blu-ray (6 discs). :D
5 July 2016
You forgot Terminator 2. :) Yes the bending "metal" bar was awesome. hehe And the clearly computer generated animation. But honestly, I much prefered Reloaded over the first one. More action, more background story, etc. Revolutions was badass as well!

As a whole, the Matrix Trilogy rocks IMO. I own the "Ultimate Matrix Trilogy" on Blu-ray (6 discs). :D
Agreed Terminator 2 was a great sequel.
Matrix Revolutions was.....erm...not.

There was a matrix video game which provided a detailed account of what another crew were doing at the same point in time as Neo and tied in really well with the films. I can't remember what the ship was called though :confused:

B x