Piercings/tattoos On Females / Yay Or Nay?

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Soo you lovely sexy people out there!
I am debating whether to get a nipple pierced and wondered about people's opinions on it..

Any ladies that have had it done I would be keen to know your experiences on it, men too :p and also if it affects the feeling/sensation you get (mine aren't very sensitive at the minute anyway lol)

Also thinking about getting a little tattoo on my ankle for my son .. Hmmm decisions, decisions ....

10 August 2015
Piercings and well designed/done tatttoos are great on women as far as I'm concerned :)

Most women that I know with pierced nipples have said it has heightened their sensitivity though I have heard a few women say that it has reduced it.
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15 September 2014
From a man's point of view;
About 15 years ago I had my left nipple pierced. It was always uber sensitive anyway and I did it for just that reason as I wanted to increase the sensitivity which it did.
However, I was working in a kitchen at the time and one of my waitresses (was head chef) twisted my nipple without realising I had it pierced! :eek: That hurt like hell and delayed the healing process for quite some time.

I think in total it took me about 6 months to heal fully, but bearing the above in mind.
Would definitely recommend it as it heightened the sensitivity and @Pearls loves it :D

Ladies in the know I know of are @Double-Trouble and someone who has recently had hers pierced; @The-A-Team
All in all, yes from me! Sexy, fun and heightens the sensitivity :) x


I'm a big fan of both as long as they are asymmetrical - despite liking symmetry in everything else I'm just not a fan of piercings or tattoos being even... no idea why.

If asked to define my perfect woman it would definitely involve tattoos. OMG a good tattoo is about the sexiest thing ever
27 April 2015
From a man's point of view;
About 15 years ago I had my left nipple pierced. It was always uber sensitive anyway and I did it for just that reason as I wanted to increase the sensitivity which it did.
However, I was working in a kitchen at the time and one of my waitresses (was head chef) twisted my nipple without realising I had it pierced! :eek: That hurt like hell and delayed the healing process for quite some time.

I think in total it took me about 6 months to heal fully, but bearing the above in mind.
Would definitely recommend it as it heightened the sensitivity and @Pearls loves it :D

Ladies in the know I know of are @Double-Trouble and someone who has recently had hers pierced; @The-A-Team
All in all, yes from me! Sexy, fun and heightens the sensitivity :) x
Oooooh @Admin, yes I agree it does a lot, wish I had it done years ago, but I keep catching my TBars in bracelets and stuff, as were naturist they are out a lot, and day to day stuff suprisingly bashes then around quite a bit, (my left mainly lol) but they are getting easier and more comfortable, only been done about 3 months !!! Xx
27 April 2015
I'm a big fan of both as long as they are asymmetrical - despite liking symmetry in everything else I'm just not a fan of piercings or tattoos being even... no idea why.

If asked to define my perfect woman it would definitely involve tattoos. OMG a good tattoo is about the sexiest thing ever
I'm a big fan of both as long as they are asymmetrical - despite liking symmetry in everything else I'm just not a fan of piercings or tattoos being even... no idea why.

If asked to define my perfect woman it would definitely involve tattoos. OMG a good tattoo is about the sexiest thing ever[/QUOTEe]oh dear you will hate mine then, . . https://socialswinging.com/media/mrs-a-team.1587/full?d=1447403909 lol x
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In my rebellious youth I had an ear piercing.
I quickly realised how much of a dick I looked so it's long since heeled.

I change my mind too much to ever have a tattoo. I know I would regret whatever I had a month after having it.

It's refreshing for me to take topics back on-topic.....I feel dirty.