Piercings/tattoos On Females / Yay Or Nay?

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Dont take the piss
Dont take the piss

Not bothered by piercings...but subtle tattoos on a well turned ankle....oh god it makes me weak at the knees. Especially if there's good shoes too.
Oh dear...I'm having a trouser crisis just thinking about it. Gotta go!
Haha - was thinking about the ankle ... But we will see ... X


Jesus bloody Christ people .. You're all filthy as fuck ... Hahaha - thanks for the read though - that was fun :)
Got my tattoo sketched up rough to think about for a bit longer - and I'm thinking I'll start with one nipple and then decide on the other after !!
Now it is time to dye my hair ... Busy evening ... Xx


15 September 2014
Jesus bloody Christ people .. You're all filthy as fuck ... Hahaha - thanks for the read though - that was fun :)
Got my tattoo sketched up rough to think about for a bit longer - and I'm thinking I'll start with one nipple and then decide on the other after !!
Now it is time to dye my hair ... Busy evening ... Xx
Gets a bit heated in here aye.. Phew..
;) x


Love tattoos and some peircings..
i have a lot.. of tats.. a few peircings..
i have belly pierced, ears obviously used to have a madona mr F loved it.. nose peircing that bloody hurt.. clit hood piercing and tongue..
My tattoo collection is ongoing..
Mr F has a sleeve ongoing.. and a tongue peircing...
i cringe at the thought of knob piercings.. and those stretch thingies people have in their ears ..
i think some rock the look and some definately dont!! X :D


15 September 2014
I only recently found out what an ace of spades tattoo meant on a women.
I have led a very sheltered life.....psml
ha! :D Ahh I wouldn't say sheltered life.. It's surprising how many people don't know what it means.
Bet loads have Googled it from here mate and I bet you are FAR from alone on that one, I doubt many will admit it, but there was probably a few who Googled it. ;) (y)
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