The tattoo or theT Bars the bars are both, and the tatoo central xxWhich side is it on?
I hope not both
The tattoo or theT Bars the bars are both, and the tatoo central xxWhich side is it on?
I hope not both
Ha ha, my bad, take your pick, we are not the ones who can't see it lol xxNoooooo the egg!
Ah Jesus... Here we go.I would upload the video but apparently I can't.
Something about it not being compatible
Ok peeps is time for a bibabath
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haAh Jesus... Here we go.
"It's broken"
What format is it Miss T? x
Just get your torpedoes out and cum and sink the Bibatanic.. X
Ahh yes in that case indeed, only linked to a video I am afraid.Video.
I cant upload it to threads
You can do it from the gallery itself too if need be.Upload it to YouTube and link it. I'm sure knowing you Biba its safe for family consumption and won't get you banned from there psml.....
I have a video.. Fucking killed.. Seriously.
But unlike a man Stephen said I was as silent as a @Therapon.
In my head I was screaming
neo And the matrix has spoken. @Double-Trouble you should know so much better lol xNo it's not.. You cannot directly upload a video to a forum post.
Trust me on this one lolx
Haha - was thinking about the ankle ... But we will see ... XDont take the piss
Dont take the piss
Not bothered by piercings...but subtle tattoos on a well turned ankle....oh god it makes me weak at the knees. Especially if there's good shoes too.
Oh dear...I'm having a trouser crisis just thinking about it. Gotta go!
Oooooh be scared ,!!!Not everyone is on the passenger list.
You are and there are not any life jackets
Gets a bit heated in here aye.. Phew..Jesus bloody Christ people .. You're all filthy as fuck ... Hahaha - thanks for the read though - that was fun
Got my tattoo sketched up rough to think about for a bit longer - and I'm thinking I'll start with one nipple and then decide on the other after !!
Now it is time to dye my hair ... Busy evening ... Xx
hmmmm definate statement tatoo that one lol xxI only recently found out what an ace of spades tattoo meant on a women.
I have led a very sheltered life.....psml
ha!I only recently found out what an ace of spades tattoo meant on a women.
I have led a very sheltered life.....psml