Savings And Offers From The Pantie Purse

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15 September 2014
Okay sexy peeps,
To give @ThePantiePurse a nice helpful nudge, I am going to list some of their items that I am just browsing on their site.
This is to help promote them, which is the least I can do considering the offers they are running for all of our members right now.

You can get discounts on their items, please see their profile for their ToS and discount codes.
So first up;
Red and Black Floral Underbust Corset Waist cincher. Only £14.99 ! seriously...
Red and Black Floral Underbust Corset Waist cincher. | Waist Cincher | Waist Trainer | Under Bust Corset | The Pantie Purse

Kris Line Designer Brilliant Bra £19.99
Kris Line Designer Brilliant Bra | Plus Size Bra | Plus Size Lingerie | 30 Back bra | The Pantie Purse

S&M Our First Bondage Kit (ideal for beginners to S&M) £17.99
S&M Our First Bondage Kit | Bondage | Sex and Mischief | S&M | The Pantie Purse

And of course, a Doxy... Has to be done. ;)
Doxy Extra Powerful UK Massage Wand Vibrator £66.99
Doxy Extra Powerful UK Massage Wand Vibrator | Magic Wand Vibrator | Wand Vibrator | Plug In Vibrator | Plug In Wand | The Pantie Purse

Don't forget, Social Swinging members get a discount from @ThePantiePurse - please visit their account or drop them a PM to find out more..
Thank you again The Pantie Purse for your support.

Many thanks
Admin x :)