I think this is an excellent point, if you are travelling a long distance to meet with someone from the lifestyle, if you make it the sole reason for the trip then the expectation/disappointment levels can be far too high. It can also be compounded when you have had a lot of discourse via pm or messaging. Sucking the spontaneity out of a meet whilst maintaining safety can be such a difficult balance.
I completely agree with this. As you said, the spontaneity can be sucked out far too easily too, but planning and discussions.
Yes we like spontaneous and of course you have to go over details etc, but it can be too clinical too.
Again the sole reason for travelling a distance and then having that disappointment can be stomach turning and can definitely leave a bad taste in your mouth.
I guess single people are more used to "booty-calls" (I am so street!) where the excitement/expectation and spontaneity is maintained to satisfy urges
While I kind of agree, I also disagree a little with this. It's almost as if swingles are used and abused as toys.

Although that's probably how it is for a lot of people?
I am sure you know what I mean even though I know you don't quite mean it like that..
Think the only problem is when folks travel a long way and make it the only reason for the trip and then its a non starter. We set up meetings but always with a back up plan if its not happening. We did a weeks tour of Scotland a few years back totally based on meeting folks and it worked really well with the exception of only 1 of the meetings resulted in anything happening but we had a bloody good laugh and enjoyed riding the bikes every day.
Yes completely agree. As I mentioned, it can be stomach turning when things just don't go as planned or work out, especially after travelling a fair distance.