We have played with people - both single AND married, who because of the way they've acted after, have made us FEEL like we were involved in something more akin to cheating rather than playing - again - it's down to honesty and attitude - by which I mean honesty between all of those taking part. As thew old adage goes - You don't know what's going on behind closed doors in peoples homes - some of the worst domestic violence happens at the homes of couples who, when they've sat at your dining table, you've had no CLUE as to what happened just before they left, or what WILL happen just after they get home - and the same applies as much to someones sx-life as it does to any other aspect of their lives - including the extreme example I've just given.
If someone isn't happy, for whatever reason, surely it's up to THAT person, and THEIR conscience, how they correct that, rather than ME, or MY conscience - or 'yours', 'his','that girl over there's ' etc - As I've said before - I've BEEN cheated on, ad I know how it feels, I left my first marriage because of it. But I put up with it for a long LONG time, because, with a young family (3 sons), I felt I didn't have the option of walking away.
At the time, I was so naive, I had no idea there was a swinging 'scene' - I just thought it happened between couples who had adventurous friends - if I HAD known about it (and assuming I would have had the bottle back then ... I wouldn't have - I barely do now!), then I WOULD have at least felt I had the RIGHT to go to a club, and find the sort of friendship, companionship and attention I wasn't receiving at home, and in that way made my home-life that much easier to contend with .... certainly it would have been a far better (and more preferable) option than the one I followed, which was a downward spiral into near-alcoholism, which was only ended with some strong counselling and ultimately the arrival of Mrs
@2ofus into my life.
@TownhouseTwosome said .. "walk a mile in my shoes etc.....". Swinging - as much as sex, is a very social 'hobby', 'lifestyle', call it what you will. For some people - just TALKING to someone is considered cheating, for others, 'anything goes as long as i's not full sex'.
We have friends who (and they don't know we swing - our community is far FAR too small for that), work under the proviso, that when either of them is working away from home, "as long as there's no photos/video/social media comments or further contact, then it didn't happen" - for ME, that's something i couldn't cope with - I NEED the honesty of what Mrs
@2ofus has done to consider it 'playing not cheating' - and she feels the same. USUALLY we play together, but we HAVE played separately - WITH eachothers full and prior knowledge, and after, the 'post-play chat' has ALWAYS been something we have BOTH enjoyed, and 'used to our benefit' lol
I am happy to play with ANYONE who is HONEST with both myself and Mrs@2ofus, is RESPECTFUL to both of us, and doesn't afterwards treat one of or both of us like social lepers when we've seen that at a swinging gathering again (oh it's happened, trust me!)