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18 July 2015
Honestly, let's talk facts. Show me one country in this world that will offer exclusive business as much as what EU does to UK in terms of what any member country gets back in return.

UK will never get that from China, or India or USA (three biggest markets in terms of people). What's left? Where will people go? The rosy eyed view that all will be fine and we can negotiate trade deals to make up for losses from EU is rotten. Time to see the light!

Livelihoods does not depend on national identity but on food, shelter and a roof over the head and bottomline to all that is money and EU trading provides that for the time-being when the rest of the world is volatile.
Who ya voting then :D
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19 March 2015
agree to Scots peel away and offer them a second referedum if Brexit happens since most of Scotland voted to remain (70%, not 51 to 49). They are obliged to cater to their countrymen to have a referendum, aren't they?
Agreed and I agree with the dangers Ireland Back Stop/Black Friday agreement too. I remember during the Troubles of the 80s & 90s, seeing bombs going off, in Manchester, London, Birmingham et al and it wasn't good. Men, women, children shredded by nail bombs and so on. We have to keep peace there {N.I}.. that's a must - at all costs.
Any vote on referendum (past or present) is stupid is my point.
Disagree purely because; ever since I have been old enough to understand things, I have wanted to be away from the EU. Unelected fatcats, businessmen, money and power hungry - deciding what is right/wrong/left/right/up/down for us in this country? No thanks. I don't want to be part of a NWO and a United States of Europe.. A self regulated military, army.. self regulated and power given police state.
We have built this country on hundreds if not thousands of years' worth of democracy and law making. Some I totally agree, are archaic and need sorting.. but we've done this. We don't need anyone from a far away land, telling us how to live - only to allow us access to a market which we then still have to pay for on top.

This is how FUBAR the factcats are;
We help build the Space Security programme. The people want to leave the EU Bloc.
As a result, EU say = "Even though you built most of the programme, you leave the Bloc and you lose this"
Blackmailers, authoritative, authoritarian & bullies.. Because they want total control over as much as they can and will use what they can to ascertain & sustain it.

A second would be stupid wouldn't it?
Then I agree with you on this! (y)

And I’m sure you’ve seen that’s exactly what’s coming , mummy woodentop is putting it back on the table, and when the leave sector win again they’ll take it to best of 5
Heads I win tails they lose democracy at its finest

Absolutely. Let's now start playing games with democracy shall we? :rolleyes: :palm:
26 October 2018
Honestly, let's talk facts. Show me one country in this world that will offer exclusive business as much as what EU does to UK in terms of what any member country gets back in return.

UK will never get that from China, or India or USA (three biggest markets in terms of people). What's left? Where will people go? The rosy eyed view that all will be fine and we can negotiate trade deals to make up for losses from EU is rotten. Time to see the light!

Livelihoods does not depend on national identity but on food, shelter and a roof over the head and bottomline to all that is money and EU trading provides that for the time-being when the rest of the world is volatile.
Trade will happen people produce goods and other people wish to buy them it’s been the way for thousands of years, but at least we won’t have bonkers rules that are inflicted on us !

How do you think we survived for the hundreds of years before there was a common market?

Haven’t India just stuffed it up us, took a massive government cash injection and now gone into insolvency , that’s really been a Trojan horse attack, where’s the food and shelter going to come from for the poor steelworkers ?

Truth is as an economy when we stop propping up the EU, and keep OUR money in our country then there will be a larger fairer pot for everyone !


18 July 2015
Trade will happen people produce goods and other people wish to buy them it’s been the way for thousands of years, but at least we won’t have bonkers rules that are inflicted on us !

How do you think we survived for the hundreds of years before there was a common market?

Haven’t India just stuffed it up us, took a massive government cash injection and now gone into insolvency , that’s really been a Trojan horse attack, where’s the food and shelter going to come from for the poor steelworkers ?

Truth is as an economy when we stop propping up the EU, and keep OUR money in our country then there will be a larger fairer pot for everyone !
We are called Great Britain for a reason eh. Spot on here (y)

Deleted member 13437

How do you think we survived for the hundreds of years before there was a common market?
Uh....Imperialism/colonialism...Dont forget the 70s economic depression in the UK prior to EU integration.

Haven’t India just stuffed it up us, took a massive government cash injection and now gone into insolvency , that’s really been a Trojan horse attack, where’s the food and shelter going to come from for the poor steelworkers ?
Huh..what did India do? Tata Steel is a private company and Tata Steel India is an entirely separate subsidiary than Tata Steel UK. Chinese pumping cheap steel is what killed that industry, mate? Not any one country.
Truth is as an economy when we stop propping up the EU, and keep OUR money in our country then there will be a larger fairer pot for everyone !
Alright, good luck with such a motive...Self-consuming economy cannot blossom or diversify....Past evidence in economics have shown that. Anyways, that's the end of argument.
19 March 2015
re-reading this thread made me wonder if this Reddit or SS.

Apologies to all for making a swinging site less glamorous. :)
Not at all!
Can talk about anything on here. Anything at all. (y)

Would be amazing for everyone too, if we had as much input in all of our other threads, discussing sex, swinging and the scene in general. (Which is 99.9% other threads...)
19 March 2015
thanks...i think y'all know where I stand on Brexit. I should shut up and not flood people's alerts. :)
I think it's great you having a view for yourself. Where's the fun in anything otherwise. We all have an opinion, so why not be open and discuss it.
Nothing wrong with 'flooding' people's alerts. Gives everyone something to do to break the monotony! :D
26 October 2018
Not at all!
Can talk about anything on here. Anything at all. (y)

Would be amazing for everyone too, if we had as much input in all of our other threads, discussing sex, swinging and the scene in general. (Which is 99.9% other threads...)
Well let’s combine them !!!

Who in the government would you swing with , given they’ve been fucking us for years !

Deleted member 13437

Well let’s combine them !!!

Who in the government would you swing with , given they’ve been fucking us for years !
I vote for Kamala Harris in the US and the female Australian MP who tore down the fellow MP for sexist remarks and slut shaming...Unfortunately no one in UK parliament floats my boat.

Strong women make me horny!
26 October 2018
thanks...i think y'all know where I stand on Brexit. I should shut up and not flood people's alerts. :)
I have no objection whatsoever to healthy debate on here!

I may not respect your views, but I sure as hell respect your right to have those views!

And these would have been the discussions in every pub over a pint and a ciggie, if we still had pubs and could smoke in them !!


18 July 2015
I have no objection whatsoever to healthy debate on here!

I may not respect your views, but I sure as hell respect your right to have those views!

And these would have been the discussions in every pub over a pint and a ciggie, if we still had pubs and could smoke in them !!
I remember. Smoking ban killed the pubs, who did that :whistle::D
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Deleted member 13437

I have no objection whatsoever to healthy debate on here!

I may not respect your views, but I sure as hell respect your right to have those views!

And these would have been the discussions in every pub over a pint and a ciggie, if we still had pubs and could smoke in them !!
Smoking is fine and a choice but passive smoking is let's leave it at that. :) Thanks.
10 July 2018
Are you going to vote? If so, who are you voting (if you want to share it that is..) for & why?
Keep it clean of course.. :whistle:
I said a while back that I’m not going to get involved in politics threads; I’ve never seen them end well (where I’ve been concerned.)

That said, that caveat aired, yes I’ll be voting tomorrow.

I always vote. I think it’s important - for me; I regard it as part of the social contract… for me.

I don’t, however, subscribe to most of the ‘Oh, you have to vote, because… ’ reasons offered; I don’t think any of the standard reasons stand up to a moment’s sensible scrutiny. (To take one example, ‘if you don’t vote, you can’t complain’. Unfettered bollocks; one could equally suggest it’s those who took part who shouldn’t complain about the result/consequences.)

So, yes. I’ll be voting. I always vote. The only vote I missed was my very first - I was at uni, and hadn’t bothered to register while there. And I had exams coming up, so wasn’t going to pop back to my parents’ place in Luton to vote.

So, yes, I’ll be voting. Who for? Ah, now that’s an entirely different question, and I refer you to the first line above. x